Songs to Watch - Demonspell's Turf


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
I'll be honest, I'd only previously browsed through the "Songs to Watch" forum from time to time. I know it can be dangerous venturing outside of the RC grounds, but StW is friendly territory.

Demonspell - great, great reading. (And easy to scan through as well). I'll pop by more regularly now, and I regret not having done so previously. My hat goes off to you - I can appreciate the amount of time it takes to get that effort published.

For those who haven't ventured up there yet, check it out:

Also, Semenspill, if you have a banner, send it over and I'll link over to you from RC. :cool:
I haven't been reading your stuff lately, shame on me. :erk:

Because yes, you have very thorough writing and an in depth analysis of Songs To Watch. :)