Songwriting Competition (Guitar and Bass)

May 30, 2008
So I had an idea yesterday, who can write a better song on these forums, each contestant (15 MAX) has 1 week to write a song and we choose a certain topic for it (e.g. Thrash Metal, Death Metal, Acoustic, etc). which will be decided by a poll. I would prefer you write the songs in power tab (because it's free and openly available to anyone who wants to hear the song) and post it in this thread with a link to it, the song can be as long as you like and can contain a maximum of 7 guitars (the maximum in power tab) and 1 bass, the cowbell tempo can be adjusted as well. If you're song gets chosen, you will be awarded something that I haven't figured out yet. Hope you guys will enjoy this idea. I would like to join so I'll just go ahead and add myself to the list. The judge-contestant ratio should be 1:3, so there are 3 judges for you 1-15 contestants, the judges must give some playing background and possibly a video showing their skills, it is not required, but may help you get chosen. Also, submitting a video of you playing the song is NOT I repeat NOT required and will not help you win, this is a songwriting skill competition, not a playing skill, feel free to post a video of you playing it if you want.



This Week's Theme

(possibly more than one week if it is popular)
Ok great man, thanks. Added you to the list.

EDIT: I have also checked out your music and you made a good argument in Picking Question so I won't be needing any background.
How do you work this program? I did a couple of sixteenth notes all together and when I press play it does bbbb pause bbbb pause bbbb pause it's annoying, I will definately not succeed in making any sort of song in this program if I don't know how to use it so, any tutorials you recommend?
FUCK this is the perfectionists worst enemy, there are unwanted bars which I want deleted and I'm very unhappy with this program, it's a thousand times better than power tab but a thousand times more difficult

EDIT: Lol triple post... :/
It really shouldn't matter which program you use, because you can just export the MIDI, which is a universal format that everyone's computer can play.

EDIT: I use TabIt, which I paid $19 for, but I'm sure there are pirated copies available if you know where to look.
I suck but if we are able to enter audio things I guess I'd be interested, I cba with tabbing shit and when ever I export midi drums from Cubase and import to GP it fucks up so..
It would be much better if everyone used Guitar Pro, so you could have a real drum track. I can supply everyone with a demo copy of Guitar Pro 4.

I'll judge, too.

i rly want to be a contestant but how do i use guitar pro? do i just record an audio and put it on to it? oh yeah, and i'll need a demo copy.
Here's how I'll judge everything:

-Originality+Creativity ( is this the same crap I've heard before? )
-Cohesion ( does it make sense as a song? )
-Time ( does this go on forever, or is it too short? )
-Complexity ( is this something more than strumming power chords? )
-Quality ( do I like this piece? )

You'll either get 0 points ( totally lacking ), 1 point ( average grade ), or 2 points ( exceptional ), for a minimum of 0 points ( shitty song ) and 10 points ( masterpiece! )
I would prefer you write the songs in power tab (because it's free and openly available to anyone who wants to hear the song) and post it in this thread with a link to it

Wouldn't it be easier to have anyone that doesn't have Power Tab to submit their Mp3 files to something like MySpace or something similar which allows free Mp3 uploading on their band sites? The settings can be made so that the new song is played first when someone goes to the site.

Then, everyone can just link up the web address and let everyone click on the results. I think this would save a lot of time.