Sonic Reign – Raw Dark Pure


Oct 22, 2006
Sonic Reign – Raw Dark Pure
Metal Blade – 3984 - 14617 - 2 - 2007
By Dan Fisher


Sonic Reign are a German black metal duo whose debut CD was originally released last year on their own label, but had very limited distribution. Metal Blade signed the band, and now a lot more people will be exposed to Sonic Reign's style of black metal. Ben and Sebastian are the gruesome twosome, and even though they don't have names like 'Neck-Romancer' and 'Vlad the Special', these guys keep things grimm and eville. This album will be reviewed in management, blue sky thinking terminology.......

Raw Dark Pure is an interesting and diverse album that boosts the intellectual property of the band by at least 56%. Surveys have shown that consumers liked the brutal blast beats coupled with the pitch black atmosphere created. In fact, consumer metal watchdog METCOM had to warn the band in creating 30% too much evil on this album. One spokesmen said: 'was it necessary for all that basphemy throughout the album? why can't all metal bands be christians like that nice Dave Mustaine?' METCOM has shown disturbing figures that show a clear rise in the number of blasphemous albums being written that seem to corrolate directly with the rise of David Hasselhoff's career. Is this a coincidence? I think not.
At time of printing, the band have refused to comment on the matter.

Official Sonic Reign Website
Official Metal Blade Records Website