Sonic Syndicate "Only Inhuman"!! WOW!


Sep 7, 2002
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Holy shit, is this cd great or what??!?!?! I just downloaded it on a whim and it has already turned out to be one of my top 10 albums of 2007 thus far. In fact, the first 8 tracks made my iPOD which, I don't believe, has not happened with any other band this year!

If you get the chance, and you like Soilwork's "Natural Born Chaos", then this cd may interest you! :kickass:
ugh..the vocals completely kill it for me....that same emo/hardcore vocal style...exactly what i was expecting when i saw their photograph. this doesn't resemble soilworks NBC at all in my opinion, unless resembling it means that there are guitars and keyboards present. sorry woosta, glad you like it but i just don't believe your assessment of the disc is correct.

No, I'll disagree. By resembling NBC, I'm talking about melody, keyboards and overall song structure. I'm not sure I can tell a difference between vocals such as this and what you'd hear on Soilwork, In Flames, or Eternal Tears of Sorrow. Unless I'm just looking at image and imagining a difference?

As far as my assessment, yeah, it's all all subjective, but having just gone and checked out the first 3 google pages of reviews, they're all making the same comparisons (in flames, Soilwork, etc). Add the fact that this band just won Nuclear Blast's bandcontest beating out 1500 other bands, and it seems to be getting a warm reception even in the motherland.
This is closer to Atreyu/Mendeed/Mnemic than anything Soilwork. The aggresion, melody, etc is pampers-quality compared to what Speed and the boys can put out... very respectively in my opinion. Though a few of the tracks are undeniably catchy, I will admit.

I would say they need to drop the hair goop and tubular emo-styling, but they are obviously trying to appeal cross-genre and to a younger audience. Which is fine, it's just not for me. The hot female bassist certainly doesn't hurt them, that's for sure.
I can see where woosta is going with the NBC comparison. Unfortunately, when people approach this with NBC as their frame of reference, they're immediately going to be turned off by the disparity in vocal quality.

Although this is better than most of the music in this genre, it's not something that interests me these days.

Too much -core for my liking, but I would rather see a band like Sonic Syndicate have a lot of popularity over bands such as As I Lay Dying and Trivium.
ugh, how can you compare that crap to NBC

Well, If I was the only one hearing it, it'd be one thing. Should I put up some reviews from critics who are saying the same thing? Should I reference the new issue of Nuclear Blast magazine that drops that name too? I'll give you 3 reviews that say it has relation to Soilwork to each one of yours that says there's no similarity. How's that deal? (does it count if the band themselves suggest Soilwork?)

Just going in order on a google search. And this is only counting the direct Soilwork reference. So many In Flames comparisons too as well as a few Dark Tranquillity and I'd say those bands "have something in common" on some levels, wouldn't you?
To be fair, woosta, a lot of reviews have been comparing the latest Daath album to Devildriver, but I and a lot of people I know don't see the comparison at all. It's the same concept with Soilwork and Sonic Syndicate.
To be fair, woosta, a lot of reviews have been comparing the latest Daath album to Devildriver, but I and a lot of people I know don't see the comparison at all. It's the same concept with Soilwork and Sonic Syndicate.

Sure, I know. I'm just defending my assessment (and opinion) that was termed "incorrect" in an early post and an "ugh, how can you compare that to NBC" later. That's how. However, I DO stand by the idea that this is reminiscent of NBC in song structure, melody lines, and keyboards. :saint:
However, I DO stand by the idea that this is reminiscent of NBC in song structure, melody lines, and keyboards. :saint:
It's a reasonable assessment. The melodies, the production, the balance between the gutars and keys. I suspect when people hear those (goat awful) vocals they dismiss it witout listening to it with the same critical ear they might if it was the new SX. It's something we're all guilty of, from time to time, with music that we simply don't like.
