Sonm, can you help me?

Indeed you can't make any conclusion without any information of what you are going to make your conclusion about. There is a chance that the cat is dead. It's quite similar to quantum mechanics. You never know for sure about things in there. You just say, there is a chance of this or that to happen. And so on. But it sounds interesting... So-called informationally absolutely black body. Cool. I have never thought about things like this.
When I think about quantum mechanics my head explodes. Relativity is bad enough for me, even without the math which I know nothing about.

@ Ayzahar ZoHar - That sounds a little like Schrodinger's cat. Erwin Schrodinger was indeed a physicist, although I don't know too much about him - except that he was one of the progenitors of quantum physics.

By the by I got Montezuma's Revenge and was unable to sing :(
He was the guy who proposed the equation to describe evolution of a quantum system with time. It's known as Shroedinger equation. I think it's enough to know.
Not really...
i*hbar*delta(Psi)/delta(t) = H (Psi), where
i - complex number
hbar - Plank constant
Psi - wave function of the quantum system
t - time
H - Hamiltonian (operator of Hamilton)

Simple and beautiful.
Yeah makes you wonder if we are conciously observing the world and thus giving it's existance, what is watching us?
That's a phylosophical question Ayzahar.
I don't think this question can be asked... I believe that the matter exists independently of us and we hardly can influence it.
Ayzahar ZoHar said:
Yeah makes you wonder if we are conciously observing the world and thus giving it's existance, what is watching us?

I don't think that we give something reality by observing it. I think that if I was I'd certainly be in a lot better spot. Granted, talking physics/philosophy with the singer from one of my favorite bands kicks ass, but where's my girlfriend? My sweet car? My Presidency? My PhD in asskicking? My giant house?

By the way I made up a joke (as far as I know)... Tell me what you think.
Niels Bohr is jogging down the street. A bystander says, "Hey, Neils Bohr, why you jogging down the street?" And he says, "Why are you asking me? It was your idea!!"

Ayzahar ZoHar said:
Yeah makes you wonder if we are conciously observing the world and thus giving it's existance, what is watching us?

It is a question worth asking for possible future answers, but as of something watching, to watch something is a very human action. Existance is a very strange thing, and i personaly think you can dig forever for answers. Even trying to understand 4th dimention for humans is virtually impossible, becasue we exist in 3rd. One thing i would always wonder about though is, people learned to indentify colors between eachother, and when someone points at a green ball and ask another person for a color, he'll say green, although, he could be seing any color and has been relating it to the word green. Colorblind people usually dont even know they are color blind untill another person indentifies that they dont see certain things. In conclusion, I think the world each person knows is created by him, but how different is it from how it actually is. Or, is it any more real than say our dreams?