soooo i just spent three days in a dorm with a bunch of 13- and 14-year-olds


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
me and 13 other teachers took 100 new freshmen on a "first summer" experience to a college campus in westchester, from 6:30 am on Monday until 6pm last night. sooooo exhausted. we woke up every day at 6:30 and were up until around 2-2:30 packing kids back into their dorm rooms. some kids were up til 5 so we had to keep getting up and being like GO TO SLEEP!

it went well overall, but there were several incidents:

1) one kid's clothes and shoes were taken from his locker at the pool and he had no clothes or shoes for a day until we threatened/scared everyone and they mysteriously reappeared

2) 3:00 am obscene phone calls to RAs around the campus using the campus phones

3) fistfight on the bus on the way home

4) skits one night, every one of which featured violence or racial slurs (always Chinese kids doing Chinese shopkeepers with exaggerated accents playing for laughs). after the first four skits that all ended with gunshots or beatings, my kids wanted to add a carjacking to their skit at the last minute and i said NO. one more violent skit and they wanted to add a robbery (which became "a gay robber" as they discussed). still NO.

5) one fat african-american pimp kid who looked very much like Biggie and brought eight different color-coordinated outfits for the three days who was VERY CLEARLY on the d-l and sprayed AXE body spray everywhere stinking up the dorms for three days.

more too. can't wait for school to begin.
Was there any molestations? When I was 12, I was at a church sleepover, and apparently there was some sexing up between two kids, and pot smoking in the bathrooms.
no pot smoking as far as i know, and i think we avoided kid-on-kid sex this year (last year there was an infamous incident, apparently).

i dunno amanda, these kids are mostly pretty good and very smart. they're almost all low-income, but i wonder if they're as needy as i envisioned. oh well.
well i'm just saying, in bed stuy the kids act out so much sometimes it's in such a state of disrepair and it's almost impossible to even get your foot in the door to even help them. in my experience at least. i think you have one of the 'better off' schools considering the area.
Well it's all relative. When i taught my kids were major trouble makers in the traditional drugs/cutting school/bad behavior sense but snotty kids with no sense of responsibility can be as much of a handlful in their own special way.
I girl I know worked for a child services center and when kids were impossible to live with and were rejected from foster homes they got there. One of the kids there was a very smal built 16 year old male, somehow as big as a 10 year and his problem was that he mastubated all the time and since he was so small he couldn't have sex with girls his age and could overpower them to rape them so he focused on 10 or so year old girl instead. So they get them to a museum for a field day and as you can imagine they have to deal with all sorts of shit from all the kids, from acting up to stealing things etc. And since the future pedophile is fairly quiet they don't hear from him all day. Until they lose him. As you can imagine, the museum was filled with kids of all ages so they were scared shitless that he was going to rape one of the little girls at random. When they found him, he flirting with a 9-year old and apparently nothing happened but perhaps were a few minutes from very tough situation.