Sorcerer's Spell - Skeleton Throne released today! (30th April)


My penis exploded
Nov 18, 2006
London, UK
Hi guys, my band just released 3 tracks today. If you have the time to check them out, it'd be really appreciated!

You can listen to it for free these places:

If you like what you hear and want to buy it, you can get it directly from us for £2 from our web shop (including a free digital copy) here

Looking forward to hearing what you guys think!
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Listened only to the YouTube song but I can honestly say I am very impressed.
I think I even spotted a little Phantom of the Opera influence on one part?
This is really good stuff. Really enjoying a splash of Powerwolf and some decent prog influences in here. Will be spreading this around communities I know. Is there a physical release planned?
You're welcome dude! I'll be giving the digital copy a listen ASAP :D