Sorry for the strange subject but...


- A Sculpture In Pain -
Feb 12, 2002
Norrköping, Sweden
...I need to find an good avatar, that fitts my user text: A Sculpture In Pain. I was thinking of an pain. But I havent find any good one so I thought that maybe someone here knows any nice pic I can use.

I would be greatful.

Hm, first when I read your NP I immediately thought of the cover of the DWD album....but that one is already been used as an avatar on UM and I think you would want something original. I cannot think of something that fits your subtitle though.
It's much easier to modify the text to an avatar than the other way round, I guess.
What about the cover for "Knowing just as I"? Sorry, but I cannot think of anything better at this moment.
Have you search google's picture search?
I do have a pic of a gargoyle at my pagan deco group... erm, I will see if I can post it here tomorrow...

3 of my favorite little creatures - maybe you like one of them...
once I saw a sculpture of an angel that was in pain.the thing is I can't remember if it was a cd cover or on the net