Sorry I made a mistake.

The Law

Swedish Beer Messiah
Jun 14, 2004
Karlstad, Sweden
Since I´m new here I seem to have made a mistake. I figured since my band has an old school feeling to it´s music the fine people here at the old school forum would like to here it, but it seems I spammed. For that I´m sorry, and I´t won´t happen again. Now I´ll exit stage left.

good that you apologised the law,but dont worry,no-one takes things too hard on tthis part of the forum-i'm in a band,as are a few of the others(most notably clammy,who's band is rather well known!)and we do use this forum,to a degree,to talk about that.
saying that,i joined this forum because it interested me,and the guys were really cool-and still was 4 months after i started posting(and about 150 posts)before i even mentioned my band.even then i told no-one the name,just asked for guinea pigs-right guys!
stay with us,and discuss things-no need to get right into spamming,this is the coolest metal fraternity on the planet,enjoy it here.
No need to apologize, but it's good because that means you're the genuine article and not a spammer. Please post your band in the respective forum so it has more widespread look and feel free to interact here with all the wackos (me included)
The Law, I'm not too worried about, people jumping on the board from time to time, to plug their bands, ect. I usually don't read stuff from people that aren't regulars, sorry. If you'd like to post on old school stuff you're welcome to do so.
The Law

Its good that you apologize. Thanks for that! :headbang:

Please don't leave. If you are truely interested in discussing old school topics with us you are just as welcome as anybody else.

Here's a good page on Netiquette, learn the rules of the internet:

I hope that you will stay and enjoy your time here :)

All the best!
Wyvern said:
No need to apologize, but it's good because that means you're the genuine article and not a spammer. Please post your band in the respective forum so it has more widespread look and feel free to interact here with all the wackos (me included)
Well, since I understand what it is like to want to let people know about what you are doing I have often posted in the "right" forum (aka Promotion forum here at UM) and hardly anyone looks at that stuff so I can´t blame someone for trying to get people to check out their stuff by posting in a relevant forum.

As I said before (I guess it got deleted) I am glad I did not make a post to have you all check out and evaluate my website because I sure would not like to have everyone jump all over me for "spamming". :loco:

It´s tough being in a band, running a label or a zine and trying to get the word out about what you are doing in order to promote or help spread Metal or just genuinely want to share what knowledge or interest you have on something. On my board I allow people to promote their stuff if they are a regular poster but otherwise they are to use the promotion forum I set up which also acts as our news section for the main website. I think it would be good if we had such a thing here.

Don´t flame me too hard for ranting about this. I just work hard on what I do and want more people to check it out. If nobody buys the albums I release then I can´t release new stuff. It´s not about Making money, it is about at least breaking even in order to release new stuff.

*puts on flame protecting jacket*
I don't see the big deal with promoting metal in a metal forum, that ain't spamming that's just spreading the word.

If someone comes in and starts offering meds or penis enlargement stuff (or mallcore) then yes let's hunt them down and kill them. Lets keep perspective, now personally I would be more pissed if someone who knows a kick-arse band, that is never mentioned, kept it to themselves.

It simply against the rules of UM and with reason. I have seen forums die of because of band and webzine advertizements dominating the forum treads. I don't want to see that here.

When discussing this issue almost everybody thinks of only himself posting band or webzine info. But when the news of the possibility spreads, a forum like that will be INVADED by people wanting to promote their metal bands/webzines/leather clothing whatever.

Try to see the bigger picture here. The music forums must be kept free of promotions so the treads can be!

Metal Ages, the owner of UM has a metal label you don't see him posting his info all over our forums in a tread.
JonnyD said:
The Law!
Your Apology is totally accepted! now I will go and check out your band :D


I WOULD check them out if I could find a link to this band. Someone smart seems to have deleted it.
JonnyD said:
you can find it in the Self Promo Section dude

I just went through the first 4 pages of that and couldn´t find it... Assuming the post was made by "The Law", otherwise I´m totally lost. If you have the link, just post it or send me a PM with it. Please.
Alrighty, after hearing the band I think they are definetly belonging in an "oldschool" forum :) THE LAW is somewere between early EXODUS and LEGACY (aka TESTAMENT) but not quite as fast. You need to work on that guys :)
The vocals are average and could use an aggressive scream and more accentuation on certain words to give it a more violent feeling. And you should loose that weird part starting at 3:49. It sounds like a drunken VOIVOD trying to imitate PINK FLOYD during their acid period before they learned how to write a song. It´s only a few seconds but it REALLY is out of place...
It is indeed a rule of UM that no blatant spam be done. But, you will see it form time to time, and surprise...once you get into the groove in a forum and people get to know you, and know what you're all about, you will find that spam sometimes becomes friendly promotion, and people will be more tolerant of it (if done seldomly). I would highly recommend constructing a great signature line as that is a key to promo, especially if you are active in a forum. Believe me, it works. I get a fair amount of hits from my sig files. Try to keep them compact though (I'm even reworking mine as I think it is too big). It *IS* awesome that you apologized because like others said here, it shows that you are an alright guy. Keep posting, and get that signature line made. You'll get hits, no worries about that :)

An example of why it is not allowed from the get go? I had to go through deleting 2 guys posts in the past week who for the most part simply signed up to post in a bunch of bands forums with spam, without joining in the community. For reasons like that it has to be the rules. Hope this all makes sense :)