Sorry I made a mistake.

Thanks JD I was looking for the link too, now that I'm on the campus intranet :D And thanks to Metal Ages to clarify the rules. I guess that now everybody is informed and happy (under penalty of flaming :loco: )
MetalAges said:
It is indeed a rule of UM that no blatant spam be done. But, you will see it form time to time, and surprise...once you get into the groove in a forum and people get to know you, and know what you're all about, you will find that spam sometimes becomes friendly promotion, and people will be more tolerant of it (if done seldomly). I would highly recommend constructing a great signature line as that is a key to promo, especially if you are active in a forum. Believe me, it works. I get a fair amount of hits from my sig files. Try to keep them compact though (I'm even reworking mine as I think it is too big). It *IS* awesome that you apologized because like others said here, it shows that you are an alright guy. Keep posting, and get that signature line made. You'll get hits, no worries about that :)

An example of why it is not allowed from the get go? I had to go through deleting 2 guys posts in the past week who for the most part simply signed up to post in a bunch of bands forums with spam, without joining in the community. For reasons like that it has to be the rules. Hope this all makes sense :)
