I'm Still Alive


Long Live =^.^=
Mar 5, 2005
Southeast Idaho
After newly discovering Nocturnal Rites, I downloaded their video for Staying Alive! IMO this is one fantastic song! Any longtime Nocturnal Rites listeners want to give me your take on this band?

check out this song that I just can't get enough of!

I'm Still Alive click on "Downloads"


Still Alive

Like a thunder storm it’s breaking out
Won’t take another blow, and,
I’ll let you know
I’ll never kneel or falter
‘cause you are not the only
I’m not crawling back again

I’m still alive
Though I’m old, trite and weary
And I know I’m alive enough
To stand my ground
So there is nothing to revive –
I’m still alive

I tried to wash away those filthy lies
Betrayed and lead astray,
I just walked away
In my darkest hour
I still hear you breathing
Well, you won’t get the best of me​

Cool song...I allways pictured "Noctural Rites" as a Black Metal band, the band name sounds pretty "black"..
I discovered NR long time ago by the time of their debut actually, but I never got into them just scattered songs, being 'Wake Up Dead' (from "Afterlife") my favorite.

NP: World Below - 'Ancient Rites Of The Black Cult'
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
And if you can schedule it, I'll be seeing you in June. I'd like a listen.

I got the CD in the mail while I was on vacation last week and I have been listening to it over and over and I have to say that these guys are one excellent band!

June should be fine let me know as soon as you can about an aproximate date. :rock:

NP: Nocturnal Rites - Grand Illusion
The last NR is head and shoulders above the previous one IMO, if you like it also check Shadowland :)

The first 3 albums featuring the previous singer are more Helloween/Maiden-influenced and sound less modern, The Sacred Talisman being a noteworthy record.