Well, I'm new to this forum, and I hope this Control Denied fellow does the
right thing and BUYS the album when it's released. I'm patiently waiting for it
to hit the racks, and the two songs I've heard thus far are fucking killer!
"Decade..." may not appeal to everyone who hears it because of of how much the band has progressed (an understatement) through the years. With
this shitty ass "metalcore" (At The Gates riffs ripped off+hardcore screams and breakdowns=a bunch of noisy shit) everywhere, it's an alleviation to hear
bands like Jag Panzer, Evergrey, Nevermore, A Lower Deep, and the like making an effort to keep quality Metal alive. This metalcore certainly isn't "listenable"! And for the band members themselves to come to this very
forum to see people who should be supporting them saying such things is not
helping the scene at all. It's bad enough we've to encounter elitist assholes in
magazines like Metal Maniacs' mail section, and now this. It's a shame.
Anyway, I can't wait until I finally buy "Casting The Stones", get it home, and
BLAST the fucker until the dead shudder!