sorry Jag Panzer i"ll download your album

Oct 2, 2004
abouth 2 weeks ago i bought decade of the S B and i thought its a piece of crap (i couldnt even find a song that was listenable)with good solos on it ;therefore, i'll download the new cd so i wont feel like a ripped off person. :ill:
Well, 'Casting the Stones' is miles beyond 'Decade'. But if you found Decade 'unlistenable' then I'm not sure what you'll think of 'Casting the Stones'. Maybe we'll upgrade to 'barely tolerable'?? I don't know.

Keep us posted.

Wow. Going on the official forum of a band where band members post frequently, saying not only is the album "crap," but you're going to download it?

Up yours...and kudos to Briody, you must have a lot of patience with people like this. I thank you for Jag Panzer...and although I had a question about Chain of Command which you answered very well, I still love the album ;)
control-denied777 said:
abouth 2 weeks ago i bought decade of the S B and i thought its a piece of crap (i couldnt even find a song that was listenable)with good solos on it ;therefore, i'll download the new cd so i wont feel like a ripped off person. :ill:
If our music is such crap, why waist your time in downloading any other CD of ours?
Chris_Broderick said:
If our music is such crap, why waist your time in downloading any other CD of ours?
:worship: :D

U are seriously great guys! I mean, some time ago i remeber a guy writing same thing on stratovarius board and Tolkki trying to kick this guy ass somehow... Tolkki exagerated.
U guys know how to deal with such stuff ;)
Well, he's surfaced again. This is obviously the same dolt that was recently caught downloading the entire library of the Back Street Boys and has been known to solicit numerous playtime appointments with Mike Jackson... :yuk:

If this guy wants, perhaps he can get some FREE downloads off of one of the Green Bay Packer websites! They need help too, just as this poor fellow does. I'd be interested in knowing what kind of music this chap considers to be "worthwhile"... No, a saw through a small animal's bone doesn't count!

Go Daunte! :worship: Go Vikes! :worship: Go Panzer! :worship:

Skol, My Brothers!
i have age of mastery and mechanized warfare but when i bought the decade it was totally different from those albums ,anyways i know this was a stupid thread :erk: damn im an asshole.
Well, I'm new to this forum, and I hope this Control Denied fellow does the
right thing and BUYS the album when it's released. I'm patiently waiting for it
to hit the racks, and the two songs I've heard thus far are fucking killer!
"Decade..." may not appeal to everyone who hears it because of of how much the band has progressed (an understatement) through the years. With
this shitty ass "metalcore" (At The Gates riffs ripped off+hardcore screams and breakdowns=a bunch of noisy shit) everywhere, it's an alleviation to hear
bands like Jag Panzer, Evergrey, Nevermore, A Lower Deep, and the like making an effort to keep quality Metal alive. This metalcore certainly isn't "listenable"! And for the band members themselves to come to this very
forum to see people who should be supporting them saying such things is not
helping the scene at all. It's bad enough we've to encounter elitist assholes in
magazines like Metal Maniacs' mail section, and now this. It's a shame.
Anyway, I can't wait until I finally buy "Casting The Stones", get it home, and
BLAST the fucker until the dead shudder!
I got a review copy of the record & can honestly say that after a couple spins it's a fantastic record. I'm new to the band & have only two of the other records.
Even though, I have the rewiew copy, I will still pick up the real deal. These underground bands deserve our support. At least the ones that, are cranking out great material...
i give my opinion about recent JP's products, that have been treated quite bad, here in this thread!

1) for the Spiked Bat: i think production was unfortunately low...and also some songs cannot be compared with original verisions!!! anyway, listening Conklin singin' "She Waits" was a very good surprise!!! and also the tracks from "Dissident Alliance" are now FAR better than the original. Now they are Heavy Metal songs....aren't they?!
I think the really bad thing is that "Ride through the Storm" has been missed!!!!!!

2) I have to listen the new album one or two more times, because it's something rather difficult to assimilate. For the moment, i can say songs like "Mission 1943" and "Achilles" are simply fantastic....some other are not....some other are too progressive for my usual tastes. Well, i will give you a clearer opinion in the next days.

a note: i didn't like how "Chain of command" has been reissued. Reborn Classic's bootleg from 1993 sounds quite better...what a paradox!
anyway...i will continue to buy ALL the Jag Panzer records, simply because they are one of my favourites and my collection must be complete!
Hey Mark,

Glenn here from So. Cal formerly Anyway, a job well done on the new CD, I just got my copy today from The End Records. I love this CD as yet again so diverse from all your other work. The song that sticks out right now in my head Achilles. Great intro with guitars anmd keyboards. Truely an outstanding progressive metal album.

Take care......

GLENN aka glennsmetal
Hammerblow said:
i didn't like how "Chain of command" has been reissued. Reborn Classic's bootleg from 1993 sounds quite better...what a paradox
I'm not sure how a 3rd generation bootlegged cassette can sound better then the master, but I guess people hear things differently.

Wow... the first post is kinda stupid.... I'm gonna buy your new album as soon as I see it in a shop cause I loved the 2 samples I heard.
well - i have everything the band ever relesed. but i thought that casting the stone was very average. little passion. i will wait for a while and buy it second hand.
Hmmm, so far I've downloaded Legion Immortal and Battered and Bruised from the website and I think that they are amazing. For a heavy metal band that's been around for quite some time, they haven't felt the need to "change with the times" like some others I've heard in recent years. They are at the best they've ever been in my opinion. Chris's guitar work is as astounding as ever and the Tyrants voice is still one of the best in heavy metal. This is just my opinion of course. Keep the metal alive and let no one change it!
Chris_Broderick said:
If our music is such crap, why waist your time in downloading any other CD of ours?
That does not make sense on why they did not like your albums and then download your new one. But, if they liked your new album they better purchase it.
Hammerblow said:
I have to listen the new album one or two more times, because it's something rather difficult to assimilate. For the moment, i can say songs like "Mission 1943" and "Achilles" are simply fantastic....some other are not....some other are too progressive for my usual tastes. Well, i will give you a clearer opinion in the next days.

ok, new album assimilated. just another killer one from JP!!! My favourites are:
Battered & Bruised
and , above all, THE LAST TWO TRACKS...what a kickass U.S. Metal!!!!!!
Hammerblow said:
ok, new album assimilated. just another killer one from JP!!! My favourites are:
Battered & Bruised
and , above all, THE LAST TWO TRACKS...what a kickass U.S. Metal!!!!!!
Thanks, Hammerblow
I'm glad you like it!!! we hope to get over there in Italy soon to support the new CD.