Greece's Metalzone.gr recently conducted an interview with JAG PANZER guitarist Mark Briody. Several excerpts from the chat follow:
Metalzone: Do you wanna tell me a few things about your plans at the moment.
Mark Briody: "Well, right now we are about a third of the way [on] our new album. I think we probably gonna try to record a live album. Possibly early next year, we're thinking about that. We've got one more album in our contract with Century Media and we really want to make it a double live album. That's probably the next thing we're gonna do. Right now we are just focused on these live shows. We are really exited about that."
Metalzone: Do you want to tell me a few things about the live album?
Mark Briody: "We are thinking about how we want to do it where we want to record it, it's in the planning stages. Century Media says they want one, [and] we want to do one. That's actually a big step. Record companies want to do live albums at certain times. A couple of times in the past we've asked Century Media if we could do a live album, and they told us , 'Ah, not yet. You should do a studio album.' I talked to them a few weeks ago and they were really interested in a live album, we're interested in doing one, so I think it's going to happen soon.
Metalzone: You're not going to record anything from the European tour?
Mark Briody: "We wanted to, but we just didn't have enough time to coordinate that. There's actually a lot involved in [making] a live album. You've gotta get a mobile recording company, you have to make sure you get to the venue early to do a full soundcheck and you're really running two systems, a live P.A. system for the fans to hear and a recording system so it's kind of too much to plan for us for this trip."
Metalzone: Are you thinking about combining it with maybe a DVD?
Mark Briody: "We would like to do that. I don't think Century Media is interested in a DVD maybe we can work out a deal with them so that they can release the live album and we can film the DVD ourselves, or hire a company to film it, but I think there has to be a DVD with it."
Metalzone: The previous DVD you released, "The Era of Kings and Conflict", was also self-produced. Don't you feel you need a production company behind the release which will give bigger amounts of money and have bigger promotion?
Mark Briody: "That would definitely help but it's sort of up to Century Media. Whether they do it or not. We couldn't do it with anyone else since they are the record company we are signed to. So either they are doing it or we'll have to do it ourselves."
Metalzone: Do you have any ideas about what your new album is going to be about?
Mark Briody: "I know Harry our singer, he writes the lyrics and he says it's going to be a concept album. We haven't done that for a few albums and I am excited about that and he said we're going to talk about it on the 13 hours on the airplane tomorrow. We don't live close to each other, si it's the first time I will see the band in six months."