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Jul 4, 2003
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I'd like to aplologize to the people on here I have insulted tonight even if they insulted me as well. I am genuinley concerned about my mental health and I will consider going to the Doctor. I don't need to say anymore, just forgive me.

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You shouldn't consider it and just take a cab to the nearest mental institution.
I am sure a little bit of electroshock therapy is all you need.
Do you understand the concept of letting it drop manuel? He apolagised, which was more than you did, then he admitted he thinks he may have a problem, that takes guts regardless of the fact he done it online. Then you insult him again. Seriously dude, grow up already.
Apologizing doesn't solve a thing Koichi so shut the fuck up.
This kind of people do it over and over again,and then apologize and everyone falls for it most of the time.
Apolagising does solve problems, he wants it dropped, it was you carrying it on. Not him, it's you who should "shut the fuck up". Take his apology and get over it, I'm sick of seeing this shit on the chat board.
Koichi said:
Apolagising does solve problems, he wants it dropped, it was you carrying it on. Not him, it's you who should "shut the fuck up". Take his apology and get over it, I'm sick of seeing this shit on the chat board.
Coming from someone who randomly attacks people on threads I should be worried,but sincerely I don't give a fuck.
I wasn't attacking him,I think he needs help and his apology doesn't matter at all until he gets help.
And if I don't wanna take his apology what are you gonna do? insult me? oh no please god no!
Yeah, I do that on off topic, not here, this is a peaceful place, off topic as you know is a completely different environment. I don't randomly attack people, I pick the ones who piss me off.

Don't take his apology then, just don't drag this crap back up.

That's all from me,( unless you reply with a snide comment or something.)
Well this is a peaceful place,I agree.But his comments against friends of mine changed that cause he showed what an ass he can be.
Let's not let what happened last night effect the good vibes this board has had for far longer then I have been on this board.

Whether his apology is genuine only TIME will tell. =stops herself before she starts quoting Nightwish+
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