

PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
for my absence around these parts the past couple of days. I've been down with a gastric bug which has left me feeling like utter shite and living on a diet of dry toast and soup.

Hope to be back in the game tomorrow
:ill: That sucks :( Get well soon Steve! most band members on forums wouldn't have even bothered to explain any absence so if this doesn't show dedication to the fans i don't know what does.
Lots of people are coming down with stuff at the moment. i say get the bugs out the way now before the summer and record one hell of a PQ album ;)
power gash!! a lot of folk getting that bug up here scared i might have a mild case of it, which is game over for recording on saturday!! oh noes....

I could definatly benefit from that diet though steve! might have to blast it....