Mono is the shitiest diseases ever.


I Prefer EL-34s. So What?
Feb 21, 2006
So last Saturday I started feeling really tired and weak. Figured it was just a small cold I caught, since I've been outside a bunch and it's been like 8 degrees at night here in Ohio. Sunday rolled around and my throat was swollen shut, couldn't swallow no matter how hard I tried. My neck was also immobile, since my glands were swollen to shit. Then came Monday, and I couldn't even get out of bed, and had a fever of 109. Dragged myself in to the doctor since I determined I might have strep throat. Well my results came back negative, so I went back on Tuesday and the doc gave me a test for mononucleosis. Came back positive. I hadn't had anything to eat or drink since Saturday so they filled my up with a few bags of fluids and that made me feel a bit better.

This sucks. I'm still sick as hell 5 days later. I had mono when I was 19 and I'd have to say it does feel the same. And last time it lasted 10 days, so I'm guessing I have 5 more days of hell. My throat is still so swollen that I can't eat anything solid so I've just been trying to force down soup broth. And even that is painful. Fuckin mono. I was told the first time I had it that you only get it once, but the doc said that was an old myth and they now know you can get it again, but it's rare for someone my age (27).

Anyone else been through this hell? This is the first time I've even had the will to get on the computer all week. I think I'll just take my laptop in bed with me.
I had mono a few years ago and it was brutal. I spent three days on my couch without eating anything, and I had a disgusting lump on my neck. It's a fucking horrible time.

Get well man!
Yup, had it Jr. year of HS and it was pretty much exactly the way you described - my sympathies dude, definitely the sickest I've ever been in my life!
I've never had it personally, but my girlfriend had it 2 years ago and she missed 9 weeks of school.
It was fucking awful. :(

My sympathies man! Get better soon!
Have any of you ever had it twice though? That's what blew my mind. I thought it was supposed to be like chickenpox. I guess my immune system isn't as stout as it once was.
Sounds nasty man. You'll pull through and hopefully just leave it behind as (another) bad memory.

I got glandular fever twice. That threw me. Always heard that you could only get it once. Both times it was total agony. Bingo on the throat that won't take food. Even breathing became hard after a while.
One of the worst things I've ever had was "Montezuma's revenge" (basically travellers diarrhea if you get it in Mexico). You haven't had diarrhea until you had that nightmare. I was completely knocked dead for two days, meaning I literally couldn't get out of bed except for once every couple of hours to take the most painful shits anyone should ever had to take. But after those two days of misery I cleaned up, and could actually start getting around again and do stuff so the worst part passed somewhat quickly. Still had stomach issues for like three weeks after that though.
can't you get chicken pox more than once as well?

Normally it depends on the severity of the virus when you get it (ie first time you get it its mild in turn making it possible to get again)...however there is the rare chance that you get it more than one time and both cases are pretty bad....I had it twice and both times it was horrible...also had kawasaki disease...and strep throat one time without even knowing it,im a rare breed