Mono is the shitiest diseases ever.

I caught some mysterious influenza virus in October 09 that completely knocked me out for two and a half months. Getting pneumonia and being almost deaf for several weeks were nice by-effects. One of the worst times in my life.

I feel your pain, get better soon!
Really? I've only ever seen it as "Montezuma", I guess it's one of those things that for whatever reason got changed for us English speakers (e.g. Bavaria instead of Bayern)
You can get the mono more than once, and the second time is usually worse than the first one.
Rest, and be careful with sudden movements, hits on the ribs and stuff, as your spleen is enlarged and more fragile and could break.
Last year in a subject called Medical Pathology we studied about a guy who had mono and died because a shopping trolley hit him hard in the ribs, making the spleen to explode and leading to internal bleeding.

If you stay at home it should pass by in a couple of weeks, but overall weakness will remain for a month or so.

I had that a few years ago, (we call it Glandular Fever),
2 years of sheer hell. I would wake up tired and be exhausted by 11am. throat swelled up and sore permanently,
bleeding tonsils.

add to that a string of shit-head doctors who didn't know what they were looking at.

the only way i got over it was with Acupuncture and changing my diet.

Im fine now, have been for almost 1 year, but occasionally get little recurrences.

Good luck buddy, you'll need it :)
I can only guess that I had mono. When my brother was sick all the time they gave him a blood test and had found that he already had mono. It occurred that he most likely had gotten it from me because there was a time which I though I had the flu, but my glands were so swollen you could see them sticking out of my neck, my throat was swollen so bad that I could not swallow anything, and the only time I drank water was when I was rather going into the symptoms of sever dehydration. I slept for 4 days days straight, the first day I slept for about 18 hours and then woke up about once every 8 hours and that was only long enough for one norco (painkillers from an injury that I had left) to knock my ass out again (or relieve the pain enough so that I could go back to sleep as I was ridiculously tired) for another 8 hours. I was still weak, sore and extremely sick for almost two weeks, but I couldn't sleep all day anymore, I was still sick for another 2 weeks and was weak and sore for almost three months. Shorty after my brother got that sick as well, which was most likely the time he got it which would have meant that he got it from me.
That sucks dude. I had mono 6 years ago for like 9 months. It seems there's 2 kinds of mono: the kind you have were you feel like shit for a while and the kind I had where you just feel tired and bored with the swollen lymph nodes but it lasts for fucking ever.
I had mono back in 88. Missed almost 40 days of school, as we went all over the state based on massive misdiagnoses. It took forever for me to get any sort of endurance back after that, too. Ironically enough, I was diagnosed as having mono about a week before I was pretty much better.
Have any of you ever had it twice though? That's what blew my mind. I thought it was supposed to be like chickenpox. I guess my immune system isn't as stout as it once was.

Na i've had glandular fever before and i thought the same way. Doc told me there are many strains of it kinda like the common flu. If you can catch one type of flu you can catch them all. I spent nearly two weeks in bed and lost over five kilograms. Couldn't eat and was in so much pain for half of that time that i didn't know what to do with myself. And as an added side affect my spleen was swollen and i had to take it easy for something like a month until the swelling had subsided. I was young and hadn't even kissed a girl so beats me how i got it.
I think I had the world's most mild case of it around New Years a few years ago (NYE was my 19th birthday). Started getting a bit of a sore throat around Christmas, got worse to the point where I thought I had tonsilitis or something so I went to the doctor (I go to the doctor very rarely - been about three times in the last twelve years or so, and two of those were for physical injuries) and had to see a different doc cause mine was on holidays. She diagnosed it as strep throat and put me on a bit over a week's worth of penicillin. Sorta started to clear up a bit but then sharply took a turn for a worse over the weekend when I had enough penicillin to last me half way through the coming Tuesday so I figured I'd better go back to the doc. Could only get an appointment for the Friday of that week so I was definitely going to run out of penicillin. Tuesday rolls around and I'm actually feeling a bit better. Thursday night my sister cooked me a curry and that literally finished the last of my throat irritations. Woke up on the Friday of the doc appointment feeling pretty much 100%. He diagnosed it as glandular fever straight away and sent me off to get a blood test. I found out the day after that I had indeed had glandular fever, after I'd gotten better.

Only lasted a few weeks and I didn't really get any of the tiredness a lot of people complain about (went home early from town on NYE, but that could've been because it was boring and/or I had a girlfriend at the time so I didn't need to lurk around to try and pick up). Was pretty much just a long, bad sore throat for me.

Good luck anyway.