
Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
It seems like there might have been a thread on this already, but what the hell.

Mono - Walking Cloud and Deep Red Sky, Flag Fluttered and the Sun Shined

OH!!! MY!!! GOD!!!

This shit is so good I seriously don't know where to start. Here are a few of my thoughts:

* This stuff blows away Ulver's newer instrumental stuff. It is seriously that good.

* This album belongs in my top 10 most beautiful/sorrowful albums of all time.

* I'm crying all over myself right now. Damn this is great!

* JayKeeley will probably say they sound like Radiohead, but he says that about everybody. Hell . . . he said Isis sounded like Radiohead.

* There is so much emotion in this CD, I don't think there's any emotion left for anybody else in the world. Its all fucking used up!!!

* Fans of Anathema, Ulver, Swans, and, yes, Radiohead should buy this CD no matter the cost.

Here's what Decibel had to say about including this in their top 40:

#21 The Japanese Mogwai forgo the "Engrish" and get right to the part where the guitars make your brain pee itself through your nose. If Ichi the Killer were an indie hipster instead of a deadly bed-wetting ninja, he'd listen to this while crying himself to sleep every night.
Mono kicks a lot of ass, and I've only heard one song! I can't wait until this album shows up along with Panopticon! Kudos to lizard for pinning me down and forcing me to listen to these dudes!
"Panopticon has ethereal desolation" like Radiohead is what I said, but yeah, there are twangs here or there on Panopticon that sound like Johnny Greenwood. The last Anathema album was blatant plagiarism, but only people with ears not infected with leprosy and deafness could tell that.

Mono probably sounds like Radiohead, but I've never heard any Mono so I'll just take your word for it. :loco:

Who said, "When I see the word 'Mono', all I can think of is 'Homo'"? :lol:
Actually, each time I see the word "Mono", I read "Mong".

Black Winter Day said:
Erik said that I think.

And yeah Nate, I agree with everything you said (but with only 70% of your over-exaggeration :) ).

This doesn't sound much like Radiohead to me.

Then those guitars come in, they be LOUD! This is almost a metal album.
No. Mono doesn't sound like Radiohead, but I just had to give JayKeeley some hell.

This album fits in with metal or extreme music more than it does with anything else. Its not really metal or extreme when compared to a lot of the bands we listen to, but I can't really see anybody in the mainstream digging Mono (mostly because they have no clue they even exist).
I would definitely call them metal. That one part that jumps out in volume, it made me pooped'em!

Mongo <3.
SO its a heavy Radiohead?

I'd have to agree with Keeley on the last anathema album. Unfortunetaly except for a few songs, it sounds like a poor Radiohead imitation band. I wish they would go back to the style of Judgment- flowing and floydesque, but still original and depressing emotional rock.
speed said:
I'd have to agree with Keeley on the last anathema album. Unfortunetaly except for a few songs, it sounds like a poor Radiohead imitation band.
When I started a thread on this, something like "Anathema owe Radiohead royalties", all hell broke loose. I felt like you in a black metal thread. :lol:
Ha, yeah, I know what you mean. People so devoted to something, just dont seem to be able to take any criticism, jokes, etc., at their devotions expense.

I am curious who got mad? Was this on the anathema board? You know I would go post these comments there, I have no shame, as is so clearly obvious.
Nah, it was here. And it wasn't a flame war or was just a disagreement of sorts. Usual shenanigans. I'm a huge Anathema fan, but I just happen to prefer "OK Computer" when Radiohead are playing it.
One Inch Man said:
I would definitely call them metal. That one part that jumps out in volume, it made me pooped'em!Mongo <3.
I told you, that part made me almost fall off the couch.

I read somewhere that this mono CD utilizes strings much more than the previous couple, so depending on your liking of that will influence what you think of this one, and conversely, the first two. The metal "purists" will of course hate this and that to me is an endorsement.

These guys seem to be part of something that has been not so quietly gaining momentum for quite a while, call it "post metal". there are clearly, obviously, metal elements but also a real emphasis on inclusion rather than exclusion, an ability to recognize that metal has gone muchly stagnant, and that there is no particular reason to say that a form based around stringed instruments (guitar, bass) should necessarily exclude other strings (violin, cello), especially when creating moods to play against pure metal distortion assaults.
the mono just arrived (I accidentally selected my work address for shipping).

I'm listening to track one now and seriously, this is the biggest pile of dreck I've heard in a long time. Rather resembling something to be scraped from the bottom of a shoe moreso than listened to....

ahaa wrong again.

this is a band seriously in love with distortion and possessing the ability to channel it into the aforementioned emotional channels...I'm just over seven minutes in and am already seriously in love with this disc. In fact my pants are no doubt appearing rather tent-like (but that could just be because the lesbian ex-cubemate is wearing an extremely tight sweater today, all the better highlighting her rather impressive chestage).

The breasts appear to be rather saucily bouncy, alluring in their undeniable femininity, the sexuality lurking beneath a not-so-demure embrace of naughty activities rather outside the box (pun intended) of the red states' moral compass....


mono track two -