I've had it up to here with the downstairs neighbors

I was a little shitbag attention whore and would cry all night every night so my mom had ot live at the neighbors for a week and my dad just ignored me. I wisened up and STFU and all was well.
Conspicuously Absent said:
I was a little shitbag attention whore and would cry all night every night so my mom had ot live at the neighbors for a week and my dad just ignored me. I wisened up and STFU and all was well.

Hahahhahaa, just loled lots.
Night Mare said:
Our neighbours are great, 2 Indians downstairs who we never hear from, ever.
Next to them there is a woman who I have only ever seen once, and I was drinking beer through a traffic cone at the time, and supposedly there is also a Russian guy living under us, although I have never even seen him, we think he might be KGB.

You do realize of course, that according to the Incontrovertible Laws of Apartment Living, this means you are the loud one?
unhinged said:
some can be inconsolable

I cried a lot as a baby. My dad got up every night, put me on his chest, and I fell asleep immediately. Best place on earth for wee Maren. :dopey:

My nephew cried a lot too. For whatever reason, he'd shut up when he heard the hairdryer. So my brother and his girlfriend always kept one in his room.
snow2fall said:
For whatever reason, he'd shut up when he heard the hairdryer. So my brother and his girlfriend always kept one in his room.

Didn't make the poor fellah hot and/or burn the place down? Haha

EDIT: Oh yea, you can put 'em on cold-air cancha. Woops.
Erik said:
ITP, we teach people to not fuck around with the belongings of others, the hard way:






Didn't make the poor fellah hot and/or burn the place down?
All he needed to calm down was the sound, not the heat. You could stand metres away, and it'd still be effective. He's afraid of the vacuum cleaner though. He's a weird little fellow.

Erik said:
ITP, we teach people to not fuck around with the belongings of others, the hard way
I thought about trying it the nice way, leave a note on their baby carriage. "Don't put carriage here!" Sign with my name, so if they're mature enough they can approach me and talk to me. Or I could try it their way, the childish way, carry their buggy upstairs, make them wonder where it's gone to, like they did with my bike.
lol, li'l anders wouldnt stop crying last night and nothing would console him. so we let him cry it out. 45 minutes later he was asleep. good times.
we live in a house btw, and all our neighbors are the type to keep their windows closed at all times.

re: colic. no one really knows what colic is. it's a catch-all phrase to describe something undefined that ails a baby. usually it is something gastric but meh, who knows with the little buggers?
lol .44 magnum
that other pic looks like a .22 or a 9mm. haha would bounce off my face

edit: haha notice the top of the baby swing behind me