I've had it up to here with the downstairs neighbors

where's Nemtheanga when you need him? ... imagine sending him down there to "set things straight" :lol:
Doomcifer said:
Mark, I thought you always say whats on your mind??????? lol

Just deal with the situation head on, wtf man.

Look, normally I do, but it's complicated. They're nice people, I think they're just one of those "oblivious" types who don't realize just how friggin' loud they are, all the time. Add to that the fact that they're friends with my brother and I just know I wouldn't be able to remain not tense about the whole thing, and well, I don't really know how to approach this topic at the moment.
Conspicuously Absent said:
A carebear with a penis on its chest since we're regarded to be fags :p

unhinged really needs to contribute something design wise to this forum ...
I think this needs to be his first project :lol:
lizard said:
Mark you've got to talk to them civily, I.e. Not after drinking or while pissed. Document times and details. Doesn't matter if it's workplace or home/headed to court, get your ducks in a row, mein bruder.

yeah, I know

I'm going to speak with my brother tomorrow; there are several OTHER issues I'm not thrilled with that aren't sound-related (i.e. like the fact that they've taken over the entire 2-car garage and driveway and backyard).
MadeInNewJersey said:
I think they're just one of those "oblivious" types who don't realize just how friggin' loud they are, all the time..

So what's there to be mad at then? Just talk to them if thats the case, without getting all worked up. Open their eyes if they are ignorant to the fact without being a dick. Cuz if they truly are oblivious to it, there is no need to be a dick or even be that pissed about it, unless they conitnue to be idiots after you do approach them.

You passive aggressive motherfucker. :lol:
MadeInNewJersey said:
Look, normally I do, but it's complicated. They're nice people, I think they're just one of those "oblivious" types who don't realize just how friggin' loud they are, all the time. Add to that the fact that they're friends with my brother and I just know I wouldn't be able to remain not tense about the whole thing, and well, I don't really know how to approach this topic at the moment.

nice people? fuck that. go down there and say something to them.
Well no, I feel like if they ARE indeed oblivious, it's going to come off as me being insane if I go into a laundry list of "issues" I have with them. I mean, look at this list!

- excessive dog barking
- excessive child crying
- constant door slamming
- occasional overly loud music
- hogging the driveway
- hogging the backyard
- complete takeover of the garage

edit: oh wait, I just thought of another. They have 2 cars, I have one. Yet they *always* move 1 of their 2 cars into the street in front of the house (i.e. in front of the upstairs 1/2 of the house where I live), which means when/if I have visitors, there is no place for a friend of mine to park a car.