I've had it up to here with the downstairs neighbors

MadeInNewJersey said:
Dude, it's gone from Journey > Dexy's Midnight Runners > Madness

I'm going to lose my mind

do you need the Care Crew to come over?
^ haha

I've never lived in an appartment so I guess I've been mercifully exempted from this part of life, but it'd have to be a bitch of a situation to be in!
Like I said, it's not really an apartment; it's a 2-family home. I live upstairs, they have the downstairs. But it's like they are clueless that another person lives within 200 feet of them.

We've moved onto Bad Company now.
I may have missed this somewhere in the thread, but what usually happens in these situations? Sounds like it could be one big fucking can o' worms depending on the people involved!
unhinged said:
the dog is inexcusable really
suggest they get one of those antibark collars, when the dog barks it lets of a sound that annoys dogs, they soon associate it and cut it out

Years ago my family got one of those bark collars that shocks the dog when they bark. It was only a cockerspaniel and it didn't seem to hurt her that badly so one day I thought "I wonder how much that'll hurt" so I cranked it to the maximum setting, put it on my throat, and barked. That hurt pretty good. It surprised me so much I dropped the collar. My brother got a huge kick out of that.
You can call the cops if it get's too late enough. They pretty much won't do a thing other than tell the neighbors to keep it down. Just be careful, ALL cops are corrupt, they make walk out with your stereo.
Thanatopsis123 said:
Years ago my family got one of those bark collars that shocks the dog when they bark. It was only a cockerspaniel and it didn't seem to hurt her that badly so one day I thought "I wonder how much that'll hurt" so I cranked it to the maximum setting, put it on my throat, and barked. That hurt pretty good. It surprised me so much I dropped the collar. My brother got a huge kick out of that.

:lol: fucking A

you can get them with smells as well
Demilich said:
how do you think it'd go if you did?

probably just fine, because in actuality, they're nice people

but then again...I don't think they know I've been simmering about these things...and I just KNOW my frustration will become evident and it'll be all awkward and tense
So why not try approaching them about it in an approachable, constructive way? Like "Hey, could you guys please try to keep these things down, you're making it difficult for me to live up here!"