I've had it up to here with the downstairs neighbors


Verse 1: Brother Marquis
You see, me and my homies like to play this game
We call it Amtrak but some call it the train
We all would line up in a single-file line
And take our turns at waxing girls' behinds
But every time it came to me, I was shit out of luck
Because I'd stick my dick in, and it would get stuck
The girls would say "Stop!" I'd say "I'm not!
That's enough, I quit, 'cause y'all are bustin' me out!"
I say, girls, don't hide it, just divide it
And please don't knock it until you've tried it
So to all of you bitches and all you hoes
Let's have group sex and do the Rambo!


Verse 2: Fresh Kid Ice
I'm the Peter Piper of the 1980's
Got a long hard dick for all of the ladies
I don't care if you got three babies
You can work the stick in my Mercedes
If you wanna blow, just let me know
We can go backstage at the end of the show
I'll look at you, and you will look at me
With my dick in my hands as you fall to your knees
You know what to do, 'cause I won't say please
Just nibble on my dick like a rat does cheese!
Go downstairs and have sex with her in front of the kid and the dog. Do alot of funny faces inbetween pelvic thrusts (this will get the kid to calm down and chuckle), for the dog, just spackle a little peanut butter in a hidden spot, his bark will soon subside from being satisfied from the tasty treat he oh so desires. As for the slamming of the door, reciprocate by slamming her back door! As for the music she's blasting, change it to whatever puts you in the mood. Love thy neighbor.
I hate my upstairs neighbor. Her cats knock shit over all the time and she stomps around after falling asleep in front of her TV EVERY FUCKING NIGHT. Also my other neighbor always bitches about me playing bass, which is never very loud, and I do it at respectable hours (between 5 and 8pm), AND I leave my back door wide open to keep the thumpiness down. Also the entire buildings A/C units sit right outside my window and GUESS WHAT. Fucking faggots run their A/C 24/7 during the summer, even at night when it's 60º outside. So yeah 'gugs, I feel your pain and am giving you some cross country moral support for sucky ass neighbors. :)

Yet all in all, I love my apartment especially after reading about all the mortgage foreclosures happening round the country. :loco:
You should leave apile of human feces on their doorstep. I used to throw cat shit up on my upstairs neighbor's patio when we lived in an apartment. Then when we moved out, I launched a whole bag full at their crib. :lol: :lol:

The sound of millions of turds pelting their windows as they sat in their living room was one I will never forget.
@lizard: Rising interest rates, and declining home values. The only way for a lot of people to get into a mortgage was to go for shady loans, such as variable interest rates, 80/20s, etc. If the market stays strong, those loans are fine, but when the market starts to decline those types can royally fuck you. That plus people were already stretched well beyond their means to make a $2,200 mortgage payment, they simply cannot afford an increase to say $2,800 a month.

Culture of excess man. It's coming home to roost.
How much is an avg mortgage in say a state like Ohio? Or Oklahomo for that matter? I may plan on doing a reverse grapes of wrath exodus. Just substitute the dust for smog.
New Jersey Native Snaps, Assaults Dog, Infant, Mom

A mother, her child, and their dog were found murdered and mutilated today, police spokespersons confirmed.

Neighbors say a resident of a two residence house could no longer take "Loving, Touching, Squeezing" over the other residence's stereo system and attacked the three with a replica battle axe.

Witnesses also reported the alleged perpetrator was last seen running down an alley holding a copy of "C'mon Eileen", pausing only to puke in some nearby bushes.
Reign in Acai said:
Go downstairs and have sex with her in front of the kid and the dog. Do alot of funny faces inbetween pelvic thrusts (this will get the kid to calm down and chuckle), for the dog, just spackle a little peanut butter in a hidden spot, his bark will soon subside from being satisfied from the tasty treat he oh so desires. As for the slamming of the door, reciprocate by slamming her back door! As for the music she's blasting, change it to whatever puts you in the mood. Love thy neighbor.

Seriously man, you need help. :zombie: :lol: :ill:
try talking to them first

the door slamming, shouting etc is probably down to the stress of having a baby screaming all the time
believe me I know what thats like
they might not even know you can hear it, do they even know youre in?

the dog is inexcusable really
suggest they get one of those antibark collars, when the dog barks it lets of a sound that annoys dogs, they soon associate it and cut it out

if they show you no consideration after you speak to them
play some music, I'd suggest naked city