I've had it up to here with the downstairs neighbors

unhinged said:
because a little pistol would look gay with those big hairy arms:worship:
lol! i noticed the camera made me look like i am quite hairy. which im not. fairly normal actually. but its funny anyway
thar she blows! taken from the edge of my back porch
those things are always fun. We had a neighbor when i was little who ran a backhoe/dumptruck whatever company so he did a lot of that work himself when he built his new house. He'd start at like 6am and finish in the middle of the fucking night.
dorian gray said:
zee rest of zee project

my sympathies man

had a similar experience a couple of years back when they built that huge fucking church behind me, took a year of noise every day
luckily they didn't start till 8.30
but those pile driver things that drive in the vertical supports are mind destroying





all fecking day
hahaha forgot about this. actually they took away the hammer on wednesday and i went to work thursday morning. really the next time ill even be home to see the construction is this coming tuesday. we'll see what i can muster then. probably nothing.