I've had it up to here with the downstairs neighbors

they probably can't do anything about the kid crying, because that's just what some kids do, so it might not be a good idea to mention that one. the rest all seems like stuff that would be annoying but that one could put up with. but if it really bothers you, maybe say something about it to your brother, and he could talk to them about it. a little objectivity could be helpful.
well maybe the kid has a loose tooth and is in pain and they slam the door with that gay method to get it out, and the Dog is really concerned and is barking. The music is there to calm the kids nerves, the car is out in order to rush the kid to the hospital if all else fails.
i'm afraid erik's right. listening to any journey song except wheel in the sky is in eck scuse a BULL [/steinbrenner]
lizard said:
There is something wrong in that household...a cared for child doesn't cry forever, And a dog doesn't bark for nothing...
Mark I hate to say it but this may be a cop family with problems

no, this I can say, you're off base

the kid is virtually still a newborn (or close to it), he's just a crier, who knows why? as for the dog? it's just one of those dogs that barks no matter what, if there is movement within 100 feet of the house (i.e. all the time, every day since it's a tightly packed together block)
i dont have time to read all this tonight but your first post was FUCKING HILARIOUS! i look forward to reading the rest tomorrow.
two points for now though: babies shouldnt cry all night. once or twice when they wake up to feed and thats only if theyre a couple months old. any older than that and they should sleep through the night. they also dont cry during the day much. as long as theyre occupied with *something* they dont cry much. there may be something wrong in that household.

second: for the past month a construction project behind my house has involved a pneumatic hammer. this isnt some hand held jobbie either. its attached to a fucking excavator. so from fucking 8:30 am to 4:30 pm its constant ear splitting hammering right off my back porch. ill take pics tomorrow. you wont fucking believe how close it is. anyway, it should be done in two days and when it is, for a month straight im going to put my speakers on the back porch and blast all kinds of death metal. then when that months up, im going to figure out a way to irritate the fuck out of the property owners. their office is across the street.
any suggestions? music choices?
sorry for the rant. im as pissed as mark is.
Especially Likely Sloth
Nattens Madrigal
Pissing On a Golden Vampire or whatever they're called
field recordings of me farting after a serious beering
dorian gray said:
second: for the past month a construction project behind my house has involved a pneumatic hammer. this isnt some hand held jobbie either. its attached to a fucking excavator. so from fucking 8:30 am to 4:30 pm its constant ear splitting hammering right off my back porch. ill take pics tomorrow. you wont fucking believe how close it is. anyway, it should be done in two days and when it is, for a month straight im going to put my speakers on the back porch and blast all kinds of death metal. then when that months up, im going to figure out a way to irritate the fuck out of the property owners. their office is across the street.
any suggestions? music choices?
sorry for the rant. im as pissed as mark is.

dude, when I lived in Isle of Palms, South Carolina, the house that was being built next door had to have huge stilts (because its 200 yards from the ocean, and everything is sand) well to get those giant stilts into the ground they had a huge 'pounder' to hammer them in. Our entire house would shake, as in shit would fall all over the place, they started doing that at 7am. It was fucking terrible, sounded like the Hulk was pissing and smashing the ground.

trying to sleep with birds not shutting up is hard enough, but with fucking bombs going off its impossible.
Our neighbours are great, 2 Indians downstairs who we never hear from, ever.
Next to them there is a woman who I have only ever seen once, and I was drinking beer through a traffic cone at the time, and supposedly there is also a Russian guy living under us, although I have never even seen him, we think he might be KGB.
My neighbours have a problem with my bike. When I leave it in the backyard, they either carry it away (so I think it's stolen until I find it in front of the house) or leave a note on it saying "Don't put bike here!" No name, no signature, no nothing. Probably my downstairs neighbours who have problems passing with their stupid baby carriage that blocks my way every goddamn day when I try to get my bike out of the basement, through the basement door and out through the back door.

Apart from that, I don't have problems with my neighbours, I don't even hear them. It's peacefully quiet in the hosue. I'm probably the only person that makes some noise, so one morning I'd find a note on my door asking me to turn down the music ("the droning noise") between 5 and 7 am. I was having sinusitis and couldn't hear properly. :loco:
snow2fall said:
My neighbours have a problem with my bike. When I leave it in the backyard, they either carry it away (so I think it's stolen until I find it in front of the house) or leave a note on it saying "Don't put bike here!" No name, no signature, no nothing.
ITP, we teach people to not fuck around with the belongings of others, the hard way:




