Sorta Spam, but not really "Krank Rev1"

Deaf Ear

Feb 25, 2007
Would anyone be interested in a first run Rev1? I'm considering selling it, but I've not made up my mind yet. I know a lot of you guys are getting great tones out of them, but the 5150 seems to win every time for me over the Krank. Maybe at the least you could give me some pointers on how to utilize it. I remember Andy posting some clips that sounded amazing, but I can't seem to get anything close out of it.
Yeah there was a lot of hype about the Kranks for a while but I owned one for two years and didn't really have the easiest time learning to work with it. Tons of bass and tons of fizz. Now that I have a much nicer guitar I kinda wish I had it back to see how much the tone would improve.
I'm interested in buying a Krank Revolution someday. How much are you going to sell it?
Would you ship it to Greece???

Not sure on what I'm asking yet. I have no clue what they go for, at least the old ones. As far as shipping it to Greece when I decide to sell it, if you pay for shipping, I'll ship it to Mars.

I actually got this head as payment for a project I did for a friend's band. They used it to pay off about 1100 bucks. From the clips I'd heard of the amp, I figured it would be good to have around, but so far, I don't dig it as much as I'd though.

The clean channel is pretty cool though.
Give us a little specs on what you are using. Guitars, pickups, pedals, settings...

I've tried to use it on a few projects. Mostly EMG loaded Hellraisers, Comparisons, and Washburns. Running it through a Mesa Standard Cab. Tried with and without tube screamer several times. Chain is 57-API-RME. The 5150 is just so set and forget most times, that I don't feel like it should be this hard to get a usable tone from a respected amp.

And I really don't get the comparison made to Rev1's and Old Mesa Duel Recs. I don't think they sound anything alike.

Oh, and yes I've switched tubes out and things like that as well. Maybe I just don't understand the amp that well. I'll probably end up selling it unless I have an epiphany sometime in the very near future.
They go for $5US here, so where can I send the PayPal to? :lol:

J/K, if I had the money I'd snag it up. They typically go for $900-1,200US depending on condition, as always. Believe me I know the market for these things, I've been drooling over them for a while now.

Yeah, I figured I'd get about 5 dollars, ha. But seriously though, that looks about right. It's in really great shape. Looks right out of the box pretty much.
Near mint I would say $1,200US (maybe even $1,350) is a good deal for both the seller and buyer.

Near mint I would say $1,200US (maybe even $1,350) is a good deal for both the seller and buyer.


That sounds about right. I'd let it go for 1200, but if someone wants to offer me 1350, I'll sure take it, ha. There are just so many other things I'd rather have for the price of this amp. A Great River is one of the first things that comes to mind.

I think I am just going to go ahead and sell it.

Should I start a FS spam thread or just leave it here and anyone who wants it PM me?