So's I finally get some money....


Proud Brisbane Metaller
Jul 28, 2001
Visit site
After a few FUCKING hard months, I come into a couple hundred bucks....and spend $150 of it at, bastard internet, but I have some cool shit heading in my direction, allow my to post the list shall I :

Lifeblood for the downtrodden - Crowbar

All Access - Lit (dvd)

Slade Alive:The Ultimate Critical Review - Slade (dvd)

The resurrection of Whiskey Foote - The Hidden Hand

Open Fire - Alabama Thunderpussy

In glorious Times - Sleepytime Gorilla Museum

Use Once and Destroy - SJR

Surviving the Game - A movie with Ice Tea in it

So I am replaceing the SJR album after my original went missing (suspect my young bloke who loves Hardcore and things of that nature (he is 6 I wanna help harbour his love of it) ) As for the rest, they are things I have wanted for ages, I am as close to being a compulsive music shopper as they come, the other money finally bought me The Ocean's last album and I gave the $30 change to the wife cause she doesn't realize I got this dosh .......yet, I refuse to apologise for my actions :kickass::kickass:
So the stuff turned up today, cd player in the car is broke so probs won't give the cd's a good listen till Saturday, but am watching the Slade DVD because fuck I love Slade Alive!