SOS, I'm despairing!!! (Salzburg)

anybody going to Salzburg on Friday who would have a place in his/her car from Munich to Salzburg and back (not trying to imply that Salzburg is Hell) or who would like to share a Bayernticket and a pretty long and lonely night in Salzburg with me or who lives/stayes in Salzburg and would let me sleep on his/her kitchen/hotel room floor or in his/her garden or whatever? There has to be a way for me to see that bloody concert! You can't expose a poor little girl like me to the dangers of a bad place like Salzburg after midnight (Mozart's ghost and other bad people messing about) btw I'm paying of course, but only in money or alcohol :grin:

(the damn crying smiley isn't workíng, so just imagine it would be there)

mail to (the three r's are alright like that, they wouldn't let me write the word 'terror'...)
EagleFlyFree said:
you can delete threads if you started them... go to the first post, look for and select the "delete this thread" option, and click "delete"

oh cool , I didn't know that. Thanks for the hint!

Chokehold said:
why are there 2 sos thread?

Because my computer did kinda weird things, sorry for that