Soul Existence Reviews - the band to watch for...


Soul Existence
Sep 1, 2004

The show was terrific! Soul Existence is one of the best bands I have heard. The performance was powerful and the band seems completely at home on a stage in front of an audience. I had a difficult time deciding which was my favorite part, the melodic guitars, The insanely tight driving bass and drums, the epic vocals or the in your face solid original songs. There were some very cool moves on stage but none of The MTV Copy Cat Type.. Too many bands sound, act, dress, Cut Their Hair and even talk like some band they saw on M-TV, The Vans Warped Tour or stumbled upon on-line somewhere. In my opinion "Story of the Year" should do the "Story of the Year" show and so on and so on.... It took me a few times hearing this NEW SOUND to understand what the band is up to musically. If you give Soul Existence a real listen with an open mind you will not be disappointed. In fact the only way to be disappointed in hearing Soul Existence is to go in EXPECTING TO HEAR WHAT YOU THINK YOU SHOULD HEAR. The performance is classic and timeless the stage work is original the music and lyrics are strong and new and the experience is a great one. Expect great things from one of the truly original bands on the scene.


Soul Existence - The Official Website

---And another review---

Yo yo yo yo mutha*****s! Aiiet!! August 14th, 2004, I hit the Havasu Underground so I could peep the band show. So I park the HRD KOR right in front of tha place and hit up Jam, who is right out mutha*****n' front hangin' with other peeps... I roll up to the front ticket window and give them my ticket. The ticket that my home gurl Deb from Lone Wolff Promotions, gave me. She's a sweet gurl and can almost balance a quarter just as good as yours truly.. MUH MEH!! My dawgs in Many Worlds returned to the Havasu Underground for a performance with SX. These mutha*****s know how to rock. Plus they can drink like hard core bangas... It was great seeing them again.

Soul Existence got their s**t ready after Many Worlds ( and had the crowd mutha*****n' waitin' on heels to hear the first notes. Jeremy, Mark, Jam, Luke, and Matt came out with oversized balls and simply destroyed the crowd. Blazing solos, and hard-assed beats spawned multiple mini-moshpits like mushrooms after a wreckless rain storm. Jam pulled eyeballs his way with creatively controlled chaotic moves while Matt scooped up mass attention with unbelievably flawless solos manufactured by flowing fingers. Jeremy held beat after beat after beat with agility and raw grace. Tight breaks and rolls proved Jeremy was not your run of the mill drummer. Powerful bass drum kicks and crash cymbal hits drove the crowd into mad fits.

Bass assignment goes to Luke. This mutha****a was slappin' strings, sweatin' rings, and cappin' kings. He simply gave you a lesson on how pro bass players do it. Tight and smooth was his style of bass and he showed his talent well. Mark's harmonies were the calming ingredient in this recipe of rawness. The eye of the storm, Mark was the glue of this driving force that completed the unit known as Soul Existence. Mark's commanding vocals helped sway the crowd into schizophrenic attitudes in the blink of an eye, turning them from wide-eyed teenagers looking at their first porn magazine to blood thirsty cage fighters who haven't broken someone's limb in days.

All in all, the night went way too fast. Soul Existence is a band of excitement and intrigue. Go check them out. Visit for more info on the band and show dates. Aiight peeps. I gotta jet. You can catch me at the next Soul Clown gig or any Soul Existence shows.

the Soul Clown Email List Administrator :headbang: