souls of black?


face in the sky
Aug 1, 2002
hey what are your opinions of the albums 'Souls of Black'?
i've never heard anyone really going on about any of the songs from this, or generally being enthusiastic about the album.

i'm really getting into this album at the moment, and Alex plays some awesome solos on the album, what do you think?

what are your favourite songs on the album?
mine are probably face in the sky, the legacy, malpractise and seven days of may... but they all rule in my opinion :rock:
It's been brought up a couple of times in the past on this board. I personally really like that record. The songs are very good. Alex solos shred and IMO it's some of Alex's best solos. He was just so damn good back then.
ye he totally made that album brilliant, i mean all the riffs are pretty thrashy and hooky, but mostly his solos make it much more interesting, because they're so melodic and intelligent \,,/
The Legacy and The New Order are better, but it's still the most underrated Testament album, I actually like it better than PWYP. It's heavier , better solos and I like Chuck's voice better on Souls. Face in the Sky, Malpractice, and Seven Days of May are all killer songs and unfortunately are never played live. Oh well.
I'm with snickers...just seemed kind of a throwaway album. It's technically proficicent, but most of the songs seem kinda...uninspired. "The Legacy," "Seven Days of May," and the title track are pretty badass, but Souls as a whole just doesn't grab me the way PWYP and Order did. Good, but not, y'know, good.
i agree that the sound quality ain't that good, but i can live with that, cos i love the songs, i mean The Legacy is such an awesome song, and it has one of the best vibes and coolest solos ever :d \,,/
Eric Peterson's rhythm guitar is aggressive and excellent. Alex Skolnick's guitar work sounds high-pitched rather than a deep, menacing one. Chuck Billy's voice on "The Legacy" really shows off his vocal talent.

I believe this was the first album Testament recorded without producer Alex Perialas????? I think Michael Rosen produced it.

I remember reading a remark that EP made....I think it was about Souls of Black, TL or DE Correct me if I'm wrong................"This isn't a hard rock record this is a metal record, a contemporary death metal record if you will."
practice what you preach , comes on grabs you by the balls and pulls you in for the ill, souls of black rules but it doesnt have that pwyp vibe. however, the worst produced testament album is the new order. SO SO so so good!!!! but the quality is poo. thats why i love the album of rerecordings, FIRST STRIKE STILL DEADLY.
Ive always liked this record. The only 2 songs I dont like are the title track and the ballad. The rest of it is damn good and I wish theyd start playing even one song from this album live (aside of course from the 2 weak tracks I listed above) They played Face in the Sky and Malpractice on the tour and Ive yet to hear them do anything aside from the title track since.