The Vary Best Of TestAmenT


Born To Break Wind
Feb 4, 2002
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The Farter bought The Very Best Of TestAmenT (Rhino-2001). It was at walmart for only 9 bucks. The Farter wanted to hear the old classics in digitally remasterd sound. The sound is great. The Farter's only complaint is that the entire Souls of Black album was ignored. Instead of ending the album with Over The Wall (live) and Dog Faced Gods they should have replaced both those tracks with the songs Souls Of Black and The Legacy. The liner notes state that the band was not happy with the outcome of the Souls Of Black album, but ignoring it is a shame. Anyone know why the band did this?
even though souls of black is one their weaker albums, i still think it's a really good record. it's got a lot of good songs on it. but the only thing that kind of bugs me on that album is the production. it sounds a little dry. it's not so tight like ritual or low. but as far as the quality of the songs goes, it's really good.

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