Soulspell - Labyrinth of Truths

Fire breath

Feb 20, 2002
Brazillian project from underground guys led by Heleno Vale. Not perfect by any means and production is not up to European standards but the songs on youtube are good. Mario Pastore lends his awesome power vocals as well as loads of other Brazillian metal guys. Sounds good to me!

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I was super letdown with the first one. With so much talent behind it nothing really stood out. I have hopes for this one. The first one came off as a very generic non catchy Avantasia rip off. I am a huge Brazilian power metal fan to so it kills me to write this.
For some reason, Facebook is trying desperately to get me to click on a link of this band. It's like all my musical tastes point them to recommend this to me. It, and officially licensed George RR Martin weaponry, and stupid-ass Wiccan shit. Strange!