Record Label(s)/Vocalist
UNRULY CHILD!!!! i tried to license the debut album for reissue on Divebomb, but Universal stalled my efforts.
new album isn't too bad, but the first is a classic slab of AOR.

Keep 'em coming, Firebreath!
really? you cant just go to youtube and type in "power metal" "heavy metal" and just scroll through and find stuff?
really? you cant just go to youtube and type in "power metal" "heavy metal" and just scroll through and find stuff?
really? you cant just go to youtube and type in "power metal" "heavy metal" and just scroll through and find stuff?
Bob, do you realize you just complimented him in essence on one of the postings he did (which I have a hunch you haven't heard of previously), only to downgrade his post by saying anyone could find this stuff? Seems a bit hypocritical to me.
Anyone know where to find the Frosttide? Their myspace page mentions they finished an EP but I can't seem to find it anywhere. I sent an email to them but haven't heard anything back.
Anyone know where to find the Frosttide? Their myspace page mentions they finished an EP but I can't seem to find it anywhere. I sent an email to them but haven't heard anything back.
My post wasnt a personal attack. I was just stating that finding stuff isnt hard to do and people seem to be amazed when something gets posted. In this day and age on the internet it is easier than ever to find stuff. Nothing wrong with posting about it but people seem to act like the cure for cancer was discovered sometimes. hasnt anyone ever just gone to youtube and searched stuff? That is how I discover lots of bands....I used to just search bands on myspace and go to thier freinds section and look what bands looked decent.