Sound card / Converters working with USB2 ?? Which ?


Feb 8, 2006
Grenoble, FRANCE
I just bought myself a new Macbook and this one has no firewire input.

I'd like to use it for outdoor recordings, I already own a Lavry 2 channels AD converter, that I plug into my Macbook via the optical SPDIF input. Amazing when I need to record vocals, guitars, bass, synths etc. but sometimes I'm asked to record drums for demos (if it's for an album I go into a studio to track the drums when it's possible) that's why I'd really like to find a sound card / converter which :
- can be plugged into my Macbook via USB 2
- has 6 to 12 analog inputs
- provides a good sound quality

Budget is not a problem.

Does this exist ?? I just came across the MOTU 828Mk2 USB2 which is an option, but I'd like to have better converters, I don't really mind the price.