Interface with the best preamps/converters in the sub-$1k range?


Aug 29, 2005
I think the title says it all, really. I'm building a new DAW, and I'd like to know what my options are.

I'd prefer eight channels, ideally, but I'll settle for less if it means a huge improvement in converters and pres. I can always snag a used Firepod for tracking drums for not that much.

So what are my options in that price range? I have no problems going used. Focusrite Saffire, Mackie Onyx (either rack or console with firewire card), used RME, etc.?

If anyone can share their knowledge or experience, it would be greatly appreciated.
I know the RME converters are supposed to kick ass, but are the pres of a similar level of quality?

There's a few 400s on Ebay right now, and one used 800 for a little over $900...
The pres are apparently not bad - not great, but not bad - though the FF800 has 4, not 8. Still, I think it's the best option, cuz the Onyx 400F doesn't have ADAT ins and thus is limited to a max of 10 inputs, and the Onyx 1200F is a bajillion dollars (though if price weren't an issue, that'd be my choice, especially cuz it has 4 headphone outs, a built in talkback functionality, 12 fucking Onyx preamps - it's the ultimate studio in a 2-space rack box)
That 1200F would be all kinds of tempting if I could scrape up a few more bucks. As far as I know, though, that just got released for real, so the chances of finding a used one on the 'bay are just about nil.

I've considered one of the consoles with the firewire card. Still no ADAT ins or extra headphone outs, but there's a lot of channels with what are by all accounts very nice pres. I have the sneaking suspicion the Onyx stuff is about the best I can do preamp-wise before getting into the Grace or UA Solo price range. I have no idea how the converters are though.
Well Mackie uses AKM chips, the same as in RME and MOTU units, though all the analog circuitry surrounding them is probably a bit better in the Fireface - still, though, I'd imagine it's still PLENTY good for anything other than the most airy, ambient acoustic stuff (which is really where converter quality is the most apparent, and even then, come on now...). But would a board with a FW card allow you to have more than 10 inputs? (unlike the 400F rack) Cuz that is way to castrating for me...
I know the RME converters are supposed to kick ass, but are the pres of a similar level of quality?

There's a few 400s on Ebay right now, and one used 800 for a little over $900...

i have a quadmic which are the same pres as the firefaces and they are prettty darn good for in an interface. id say they are on par with my digimax lt pres(not the same sound, but the same quality) and just a hair below the rnp pres. the fireface 400 is probably your best bet. i just got a metric halo 2882 for under 1200.00 new and its supposed to be a notch up from the firefaces conversion and pre-wise. plus the 2882 is upgradable to add on board dsp driven plugs(channel strip and a bunch of others). i almost bought a fireface but decided to go with the metric halo 2882 instead. check them out.
am option would be the focusrite octopre LE with the digital option.

the RME converters are better and RME has more control over output-formats etc, but the (8) preamps on the focusrite shit all over the RME preamps IMO.

So if it's for the preamps..get the focusrite...if it's for the converter get the RME und upgrade the pres later if needed (that'd probably my choice...though I can't tell, I've both and am using both)
Except he wants 8 pre's :) The FF400 only has 2, and it's already at his budget top range.

read again. he says he'd prefer 8 pres but would settle for less for better conversion. unfortunatley under $1,000.00 there is no perfect solution. id get a ff400 and save up for an octapre or digimax or onyx800f.

but yeah if he needs eight pres id go with a focusrite saffire pro26 and save a couple of bucks.
Lasse, does the digital option for the Octopre LE give it functionality as a firewire interface? I thought it just gave it an ADAT output...

And unsilpauly, I'd never considered that Metric Halo unit, but it looks really good! My only quip is the lack of any physical way to control output level (namely, for monitors) - how do you get around this? And how would you rate the preamps on it?
read again. he says he'd prefer 8 pres but would settle for less for better conversion. unfortunatley under $1,000.00 there is no perfect solution. id get a ff400 and save up for an octapre or digimax or onyx800f.

but yeah if he needs eight pres id go with a focusrite saffire pro26 and save a couple of bucks.

The Saffire Pro26 seems like a good everything-in-one-rackspace compromise.

I'll have to look up the Metric Halo unit. If it's $1200 new, that's not out of the question.
The Saffire Pro 26 i/o is a nice unit but the preamps are a pain in the ass since they have no pads and are +13db to +60db, so even when the knob is turned all the way down it's boosting your signal by 13db, which is enough to send any hot signal into clipping territory. I believe the line inputs are lower though and also might go through the preamps since the preamp gain knob still controls the volume of the signal, so if you have a bunch of XLR to TRS cables you can use the line inputs on the front for any hot mic signals... Bit dumb though. I returned mine and took the plunge on an Onyx 1200F.
The Saffire Pro 26 i/o is a nice unit but the preamps are a pain in the ass since they have no pads and are +13db to +60db, so even when the knob is turned all the way down it's boosting your signal by 13db, which is enough to send any hot signal into clipping territory. I believe the line inputs are lower though and also might go through the preamps since the preamp gain knob still controls the volume of the signal, so if you have a bunch of XLR to TRS cables you can use the line inputs on the front for any hot mic signals... Bit dumb though. I returned mine and took the plunge on an Onyx 1200F.

Well, that's a pain in the balls, isn't it? I've heard they're good sounding pres, too, which makes it all the dumber. I have a handful of XLR to TRS cables sitting around from old rack gear. Seems like they'd have enough gain to take care of an SM7 or ribbon mic, too. Hmm.
I just ordered a Mackie Onyx 1200F yesterday.

I was able to find a reseller that called Mackie directly and ordered one for me.

Looking for to testing the unit out. I also have brand new set of parts for a new PC coming my way as well so I will be doing a large overhaul. :D
Lasse, does the digital option for the Octopre LE give it functionality as a firewire interface? I thought it just gave it an ADAT output...

And unsilpauly, I'd never considered that Metric Halo unit, but it looks really good! My only quip is the lack of any physical way to control output level (namely, for monitors) - how do you get around this? And how would you rate the preamps on it?

hey there. i havent really put the mh2882 through its paces yet. after i track and mix a whole project with it i will be able to give a thorough review. ive heard from reputable sources that the preamps are very usable/ very good. i cant wait to try them. the software that controls the 2882 is crazy flexible routing wise. you can put the monitors on outs 1&2 and control the volume with a fader inside the mio console(after the daw) for monitoring. the mio console software is really in depth and i have not begun to scratch the surface yet. plus the dsp upgrades are pretty sweet as well. the non dsp units are upgradable as well. i cant wait to track a project with this thing:kickass:
The Saffire Pro26 seems like a good everything-in-one-rackspace compromise.

I'll have to look up the Metric Halo unit. If it's $1200 new, that's not out of the question.

yeah its about $1200 new and its upgrade it with dsp processing later. from everything ive read and heard its at the top of the firewire interface heap(except maybe lynx aurora soundwise, but the lynx doesnt have built in dsp). from what ive heard so far, its definetly on par with my apogee mini dac. definetly better sounding and more detail than my motu 828mk2. i had a real tough time deciding wether to get the 2882 or the ff800 or an ensemble. i knew i wouldnt be dissappointed with any of them, but it was tough. in the end, i liked the dsp and the guys at the company were extremely helpful. also i love channel strip and use it alot and that is one of the plugs that run on the dsp. so, it made sense. good luch in your search.
Time to give this a bump - Paul, is the Metric Halo mac-only? Cuz from looking at the drivers page, that's the way it's lookin'... :mad: