Sound Quality in Metro


New Metal Member
Aug 28, 2003
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I was thinking of going to the Chicago show but I wanted to find out first what the sound quality of the venue was like. If any of you have seen a concert there before post what your experience was like. Specific questions to answer would be 1. Could you here the vocals clearly?,2. Did they crank up the bass enough?, and 3. Was the sound crisp and not muddy?
Ah, I think the Metro is one of my favorite places to see a show. You could definetly hear vocals clearly, and it certainly was not muddy. I don't remember about the bass, but I have no complaints so I say come on out! It will be kick ass!!
The Metal Chick said:
Yes that's right I forgot about that. But they were even less audible when they played Rockhouse...they need to crank him up!

Where were you standing at that show? The reason I ask is that people in the back told me they heard plenty of keyboard. I myself was right in front of Lepond front row, and I (unfortunately) heard very little of what P was doing.

Anyway, for MagentaPork: I saw Iced Earth there a while back. I remember the sound being pretty good. At the time, I must admit I wasn't a bassist, so I didn't pay much attention to the bass. Symphony X's bass is always pretty loud live, though...I wouldn't worry. And the vocals at the Metro were good.
MorphineChild205 said:
Where were you standing at that show? The reason I ask is that people in the back told me they heard plenty of keyboard. I myself was right in front of Lepond front row, and I (unfortunately) heard very little of what P was doing.

I was probably standing right behind you. I was second row in front of Lepond. :cool:
The Metal Chick said:
I was probably standing right behind you. I was second row in front of Lepond. :cool:

Cool. Yeah, the keyboard wasn't coming through up front, for some reason. I heard it when no one else was playing (Awakenings, Death of Balance), but I didn't hear his solos at all.