Soundcard + mic pre's: the best way to connect them?


More cowbell!
Aug 24, 2011
I guess it'll make laugh some of you because of the simplicity of the stuff but as I never used this kind of shit, I'm bad on this :erk:

I bought a GAP PRE73 a few days ago and I would like to know how can I connect it to my Digi003r... not using the preamp of the Digi.

Right now, it's plugged into the Digi like this:
PRE73 output > Digi003 input 1 > PT

Could I avoid the Digi preamp by plugging like this but pressing the 'line' button on the input 1?

Is there a way to have another input (8 from Digi + 1 from PRE73)?

I didn't find but if an answer has already been given in a previous thread, just sorry and throw me the link ;)

Thanks for helping a noob!!!
I typed in "digi003 bypass preamps" in Google and got three gazillion answers dude.. even a noob (especially a noob) can do that.
Anyway here's the answer: (and the whole thread is here)
And the second result, also with the correct answer:
Not that hard was it ;) It's OK not to know but you should try to find an answer before you ask, because in 99.99% cases others have had the same question.

You need to use one of the inputs 5-8 because those are line-ins only and have no preamp. Just pressing the line button does not bypass the Digi's preamp.

If you want more possible inputs and preamps, you need to buy an ADAT preamp they have normally 8 channels with conversion and can be hooked up to the Digi003. You can also get an SPDIF 2 channel preamp / converter + external preamps. But you should have 4 free inserts to hook up preamps because the 003R has only 4 preamps, right?
I was focused on connecting mic pre's and I searched in a wrong way... You're right tho.
Thanks for your help man!
channel 4 onwards doesn't pass the signal through the line amp of the digi pres.