soundcard recommendations and cubase trouble


Jul 27, 2005
ok, this is a 2in1 thread :lol:

so i got a new PC, reinstalled cubase and all the stuff, but now with the new system cubase records EVERYTHING when hitting record, including the click track as well as the playback of the previously recorded tracks. is there an option in cubase that is set wrong (i'm quite a cubase/recording in general noob...) or is it because of a wrong audio setting in general?

furthermore....right now i'm using a total POS wannabe soundcard (on board AC97....yeah, i know), so obviously i'd like to get a better one. i don't need lots of surround options, and i don't want to spend *that* much...just something decent for song demo recordings (to make writing easier) and music playback in general. any thoughts?
i tried the setting mentioned in the thread you linked to, but it didn't work. thanks though.

any other ideas?
How much you looking to spend? What do you want out of the card?

well....not too much, really. like 50€, +- 20€ max.

as for what i want....well, first and foremost i want my cubase to work properly. other than that, right now i'm experiencing problems with delayed sounds when listening to mp3s while e.g. starting AOL or anthing else that takes some more processing power.
and no, it's not the PC itself. 1024mb DDR2 ram and 3,2 Ghz should be enough to listen to music while doing other stuff :lol:
well....not too much, really. like 50€, +- 20€ max.

Ebay >> E-MU 0404

SoundOnSound said:
I can't think of a single alternative at a similar price that provides remotely similar functions and performance. said:
With audio performance that's unmatched at this price, the E-MU 0404 has to be tempting for anybody who's looking for sound quality above all.