

So why not moving?
Dec 20, 2003
Dublin, Ireland
A friend is looking for a new sound card for his garage's recording pc with a good price-quality relationship, his budget is 250/300euros, any hints?

I've found this delta 1010 (not lt) for 250euros deal, which I recommended to him but I would like to hear other recommendations, since he's against buying 2nd hand stuff. Any other recomendations over this one?
well the normal delta 10/10 doesn't have any mic pre's as far as i know, so he would then have to buy however many mic pre's he needs to use as well. The LT version has two built in mic pre's, it's all down to how many tracks he wants to record simultaneously.
Thanks for the responses, he's going for the emu since he can't buy the additional pres this month if he buys the delta. I looked at emu's website and there's also the emu 1820, which is around 300€ here, I wonder if anyone of you know the differences and if they're worth it?
Nostalgiaplatz said:
Thanks for the responses, he's going for the emu since he can't buy the additional pres this month if he buys the delta. I looked at emu's website and there's also the emu 1820, which is around 300€ here, I wonder if anyone of you know the differences and if they're worth it?
1820 has mic preamps and few other inputs/outputs (headphone amp) 1212 hasn't
Tell him to buy 1820M not 1820 if he wants the best AD/DA converters.
1820M is a bit off-budget, costs 400€, but seems pretty good :)

Does the 1212m have any preamps? or, I mean, can he afterwards plug his pod "left output" into it for recordings?

edit: And what about latency?
DSS3 said:
I had an 0404 driver crash my harddrive due to a couple driver conflicts... but I've since gotten that sorted and am getting a 1212M in the near future ;).

Whoa !!! It crashed your hd ? How unusual :u-huh: Share the details DSS3 :wave:
Well I run 2 HD's... one 30G for system files/programs, and one 200G for media, music, settings, etc... There was some sort of driver conflict (or maybe I'm totally wrong), but it ended up in an "Unmountable volume" something... I don't remember exactly.

It wasn't a full on 'crash,' per se, but I had to reinstal Windows. It was definitely my fault for not uninstalling things in full. LOL Lesson learned.