Soundcraft mixers


Jan 10, 2005
Just got done looking through a Sweetwater catalog for a simple mixer with a lot of XLR ins/pres for the least amount of dough. So far I found a Soundcraft Spirit E12, looks like a good deal. Anybody know anything about their mixers? I plan on using this as a way of recording some drums for a friend. I also looked at a Mackie DFX12 mixer, which has 8 XLR ins/pres, but 12 would be a lot nicer, and the Soundcraft is cheaper for the 12. Lemme know what you guys think. :p

Awesome, actually he decided not to worry about spending the money. He figured that since he doesn't *really* need it, then he doesn't want to spend the money. So whatever. Yep, thanks anyway guys.
