Sounds of the Forest


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Tenhi - Vare. Stunning. Is it metal though? Who cares...

Empyrium - Weiland. Astounding. Just ordered Wood Grouse and Misty Fields. (Erik - you reviewing Wood Grouse?)

Drawn - yet to hear. I have to admit, I was pretty excited to hear Orphaned Land so that jumped the queue.

PLUS, on my evenings driving home, I have learned NOT to listen to Agalloch, Summoning, or In the Woods. Sleeping at the wheel is not too healthy....

...having said that, I got a ticket for speeding whilst listening to Into Eternity. :D
Oh man, three Prophecy bands. Prophecy is the best label EVER.

Vare is really cool, but I definately don't like it as much as Kauan. You should DEFINATELY buy Kauan if you like Vare, though it is a bit different. It's loads better, but Vare is still good.

Empyrium - best band EVER. Weiland was the best album of last year. But, I might actually like "Where at Night..." even more. "Songs of Moors..." is just, by quite some way, my favourite album of all time. It's the most beautiful album ever. Prepare to be totally stunned. You should buy their debut "A Wintersunset" too. Probably the weakest of the four, but still one of my top 20 albums ever. Let me know what you think of the other two though.

Which Drawn album? I only have their EP "Plan Be" which I like loads. Should pick up their full length really. Really cool band. Got In The Woods members in.

Haha, stop mentioning so many good bands. Agalloch and In The Woods are my other two favourite bands.
I wouldn't say the SOTS EP sounded too much like that stuff, but it's good anyway. Ulf can do no wrong.

Just to show off - Prophecy have just (in the last week or so) re-released Empyrium's demo, in really fancy packaging, but it's very strictly limited, only to Prophecy subscribers. To be a subscriber, they send you all their releases and you either pay for them or send them back. Well, I'm a subscriber so I'm getting mine in the next few days. Well, 3 copies actually :) Can't wait for it.
Doom said:
Oh man, three Prophecy bands. Prophecy is the best label EVER.

As I'm beginning to discover...

Which Drawn album? I only have their EP "Plan Be" which I like loads. Should pick up their full length really. Really cool band. Got In The Woods members in.

I have "A New World?" digipak. (I'm not sure if this is intentional, but the imagery landscape used on the cover is upside down). Still unwrapped...but I'll get there soon!
npearce said:
Do you listen to Ulver JayKeeley?

I have Kveldssanger. But I'll admit, I haven't heard it in a while, I need to pull that one out again.

I would like to get hold of Bergtatt and Madrigal for sure.

What was the latest Ulver release? Not Lyckantropen, but some compilation? Looked like a bunch of trip hop guys remixed it or something...
phyre said:
Jay... You should really try finding the Sun Of The Sleepless EP I reviewed for RC...

Oh yeah, I read youre review a few times, and as if by magic, it turned up at The End records today....

I think this post is incoherent.

Don't be too hard on yerself. :lol:

I like Tenhi. I should review "Kauan" and "Where At Night..." and I've tried, but I'm having troubles. Lack of a frame of reference I think, plus I don't think I have grasped "Kauan" yet... They're both beyond excellent though.

I can imagine. I have pushed Omnio back a little just because I need to really absorb it a little more.
phyre said:
Waah. I want this. Anyway, I'm not sure that I like labels doing this sort of thing... Of course I realize that it's supposed to be something special for dedicated fans of Empyrium and the label but in these days it is certain that some copies will end up on eBay and people will pay ridiculous amounts of money for them. It would have been nice if they'd made a non-limited, regular jewelcase version for everyone as well as the exclusive one.

The only reason I became a subscriber was to get the demo. It might end up costing me loads through albums I don't particularly want, or can't be bothered to send back, but I REALLY wanted the demo.

I've already seen some guy on the Prophecy board trying to sell copies for $85. What a loser. I don't know exactly how limited it is. As I said, I'm getting 3 copies. I could sell you one phyre - I still owe you for telling me about the Agalloch demo, which rules by the way :) Someone else I know wants to buy one off me though, so I'll see what happens. I wouldn't want any profit.
Doom said:
The only reason I became a subscriber was to get the demo. It might end up costing me loads through albums I don't particularly want, or can't be bothered to send back, but I REALLY wanted the demo

Weird how they ask you to upload your ID. What did you do - scan in your passport or something?

Someone else I know wants to buy one off me though, so I'll see what happens. I wouldn't want any profit.

I'll grab it if your mate falls through.

And, what Agalloch demo is this that you guys speak of I ask? o_O
phyre said:
I would be eternally grateful if you would, but no pressure or anything of course. Let me know via a PM or something when you're sure.

And yeah, the Agalloch demo is excellent, especially "As Embers Dress The Sky". I actually like the female vocs on that better than those on the album version.

I don't actually have them yet, so I'll wait until I do, but I'll let you know.
JayKeeley said:
Weird how they ask you to upload your ID. What did you do - scan in your passport or something?

Yeah. Although they're my favourite label, they pretty much suck at customer services. That whole scanning in my credit card fiasco ended up making my order take ages. I had trouble getting my subscription sorted out too. They never answer their e-mails either. Anyway, they say they want a copy of your card and some ID, but the guy I dealt with said he would accept just my credit card. If you're talking about the mail-order, you shouldn't need to bother with ID. They will want you to scan or fax your card if you're paying with one. I wasn't totally happy about doing this, but did it anyway :)

Yeah, sorry, I got the last copy of the Agalloch demo. Last time I checked that site it was still listed, but he told me at the time it was the last copy. I also picked up the Falkenbach demo from that site, which is also really cool.
Doom said:
Yeah. Although they're my favourite label, they pretty much suck at customer services. That whole scanning in my credit card fiasco ended up making my order take ages. I had trouble getting my subscription sorted out too. They never answer their e-mails either. Anyway, they say they want a copy of your card and some ID, but the guy I dealt with said he would accept just my credit card. If you're talking about the mail-order, you shouldn't need to bother with ID. They will want you to scan or fax your card if you're paying with one. I wasn't totally happy about doing this, but did it anyway

Paranoia. I mean, you scan in your credit card, drivers license - in the US, they would only need your social security number and your identiry is stolen!

Yeah, sorry, I got the last copy of the Agalloch demo. Last time I checked that site it was still listed, but he told me at the time it was the last copy. I also picked up the Falkenbach demo from that site, which is also really cool.

It's a tape yeah? Maybe Erik can make me a copy *cough*

Falkenbach demo too eh? I LOVE Falkenbach. I tried to do 'Megintiri' justice in my review, although I think it deserves higher than the 9.5 score I gave it.
phyre said:
Yeah, I can make you a copy of the Agalloch demo, or well, I could if I had a double tape deck. I could probably make a CD-R though.

Even better. And of course, let me know if I can sort your out with anything my good gentleman.

(And make sure you grab some of the promos that Mark has recently obtained...there's gotta be something in there you might be interested in....check your RC e-mail for details).
phyre said:
Also, Woods of Ypres is a really good Canadian band that sounds somewhat like a forest and a bit like Agalloch and friends. I like them.

Whoever told you about them is the coolest. =) Oh and about the copies, they are indefiantely out, one of my friends might have an extra copy i can buy off him and send to you though. NExt time by them quicker.

If you don't get Ulver 'Bergtatt', I will be forced to kick you in the balls until you die from it. I was late getting into Ulver. I consider it a terrible mistake. You might as well get 'Nattens Madrigal' as well. Personally, I think 'Nattens' is pure genius, but a lot of people are too frail to take a thorough black metal lashing across the face.
When I am told by both npearce and phyre to get something, that normally spells success. :)

And besides, I'm too young to die through perpetual kicking in the balls. :D

My shopping cart now contains both Begtatt and Madrigal.

We also need to get on to Prophecy Productions subscription or promo list. We'll see if we can get them interested in Royal Carnage...
Doom said:
Yeah. Although they're my favourite label, they pretty much suck at customer services. That whole scanning in my credit card fiasco ended up making my order take ages.

Yeah I is not down with that homey. Just to place an order online, I need to fax them a PDF form.

Does anyone know if Prophecy Productions have a distributor in the States?