south american tour?


New Metal Member
Sep 24, 2003
hello :p first let me introduce myself. I'm new here and im from chile... soooooooo... why im here? that's because it has been said here, that CoB was coming en february and that would be so fuckign great!! i love them... buuuuut... i don't know if it's true that some people say that the south american tour is going to be cancelled...there is no info in the website. Anyone knows something about this?? maybe Janne?? i know he must be sick of this type of questions... but y just love CoB and i want to see them!!!
if anyone knows something please post in here!!! i'm sorry to bother you!!
thanx a lot
(my english sux)
c ya... :D
I've heard the same rumor before and have also been wondering about it. But, honestly, I hope they don't tour South America too soon or any time before mid February... atleast not while I am actually back in South America to see them:D :p
ooh that's not fare... i really wanted to see them........ i hope i see them soon :'(
well thx you guys and...

merry christmas to all! :p
shut up, will ya cucaracho? i was even thinking of inviting you to come to our lands in order to see a CoB show, but i see it's not appropriate. unless you beg, then we can start to think about it...
Tá, vou escrever em português mesmo pra não me atrapalhar, hehehe!
Seguinte, os shows do Brasil foram cancelados misteriosamente pela produtora que provavelmente traria eles, a Live At Brazil...sabem, a produtora que faz o Gods Of Metal e tá se instalando no nosso país???

Acho que o Eduardo da Bodom Night poderia falar mais sobre isso... Ele que tá sabendo dos esquemas todos....

Triste, mas real.... Mais uma vez sem ver o Children aqui....:-(
@Manwharkk or whatever: haha go into your lands? and risk getting my wallet picked by a monkey hanging from a tree? naw i think i'll see them in my city, thanks :p

@christcrusher: yeah well it's good to know that CoB are no chickens, i mean, since so many other people are ;-)