South East Asia

For me,Lao Tze nihilisme doctrine always relate to death metal,so everybody should listen to death metal!!

Actually our society like death so much!escpecially my parents is totally cynic.He say our world os hopeless,there say if you work less the result is death!!!hahahaha i like it!!death! death! death!Who is the cruel?

:mad: Pure death metal rulz
Our society is totally pollute by evil Capitalisme!they do not trust each other,They only trust on pain.....Just what like chinnese idiom say,SUFFER FIRST,SWEAT AFTERWARD...This idiom was develope to somekind of Metaphysic doctrine,and the result is there are trust to pain.No pain,no pay become new rule?

Capitalisme philosopher grow every way,there active in many Ceramah,Tusyen Center,and also sprend there evil idea in Taiwanese/hong kong Drama,and literature....Our children was badly influe...

Give them perfect pain,that time there will know,suffer and pain do not mean anything....:mad:
yeaahh.....BRUTAL DEATH METAL IS LAW!!!!!!

anyway,some of chinese that i look today is more to pop dance,or hip hop.i don't see that chinese(especially in our country) are interest in metal underground.they all only think that linkinpark is more harsher...hahaahhaha...what da fuck.......i see it every day,every minute,when i listen to some gore grind or brutal death metal music,easily they will label it as black metal....what da heck are they??

but,not all the chinese in our country thinking like that.maybe,their are only a few chinese are intro in metal underground music.......but,i was informed that our malaysia melodic death metalHERRIOT have the chinese vox in this band......hell yeah...
The most devilish drama is going on by the Hong Kong man.Nicholas is the main actor.I am very sad to see our chidlren make the Bigest orgy with Nicholas Tse at stadium Bukit Jalil last years.This bastard totally Jahil.He claim him self as Rock Star and look so expert in Guitar,by the way he play like a dog.Except fucking he know nothing.He tell lie every way,if i saw him in Kuala Lumpur....hehehe.. :rolleyes:

F4 another syaitan walking around.This 4 people is mob without proper job.Once again they only know fucking.

Just like what Lao Tze say,"Right word seem terbalik"Nobody want listen to me.

Originally posted by theithith
Yeah, same situation here. More than half the metal heads here are Malays and Indians although Chinese is the majority. Most Chinese like pop-rock and dance music. The most brutal music they know of is Linkin Fart, and they think Marilyn Manson and Linkin Fart are metal.

I'm chinese by the way.:)

yeahh....i think,they should be get the knowledge before they label someone.i don't like some people label easily,"this is black metal!!truely,it's black metal!!!" fuck.........although what are they all listening are some brutal death or grndcore musick,they still say that it is black metal......shit!!!

and one more i want to add, some of chinese in my country consider that linkinpark,koRn,limbizkit is the harsher than metallica.hahahahaahahhaha...fuck again,they told me like that.....they consider again that they cannot accept Slipknot because the music is too harsher,too brutal.....fuyck again,i told them again that they all (the shitknot) are totally a fucking band...they all not a harsher band,you should listen another brutal band....(i don't want to tell them what is the brutal band.....just don't want to expose some brutal band in my is a tape...)

it is hard,and totally hard to see some of chinese community are intro in melta underground.they only knows XPDC,METALLICA or CROMOK(they think that CROMOK is total underground...hahahahahah)i think,in singapore,they should more know about that because chinese is the majority citizen there......

i think that yap chincaw is the only one chinese in malaysia that is truely have an interest in metal underground.....(hope so if he chinese....or only a "mock" chinese....)
really, we don't hve that many chinese in malaysia that are into extream metal. it's nice to know that there are still hope out there :)

- red_beef [being the only mix persone in here]
Actually,i am not thr only one chinese metalhead in malaysia but one of the only 2 in Puchong.The other one is totally Naplam Death hardcore fans....I deal with Black metal,but he just like death metal.

Many people think themself is one of the majority,our MCA `CEO` like to use 99% notion,but the truth is?Pop guys always think except pop RnB..there are no others things and 99% people listen to them.But the truth is,Chinnese less deal with music,about 50% of is chilren under age,old people,man with family,antisocialist...minus that all will not be 99%

The naplam death guy in puchong dislike black becoz he say black metal is simple.He want death.Black metal is not too bad.For me it just somekind of metal with melodic approach and deal with darkside of humanity.If it exploit well,it content can be very rich.But that is truth that we hard to find black metal with good musical structure.Black metal can represent tragic event,RnB and Ballade cannot.:D

But what happen in North state which invole ajaran sesat....This thing happen becoz that guy regard black metal as somekind of fashion,something beyond music itself.Obviuosly there are amateur.Music is music,but the pop guys always add somemore to it,make it Meaningfull...:lol:

Thanks to yours all to support this forum:D
Originally posted by yap chinhaw
Actually,i am not thr only one chinese metalhead in malaysia but one of the only 2 in Puchong.The other one is totally Naplam Death hardcore fans....I deal with Black metal,but he just like death metal.

Many people think themself is one of the majority,our MCA `CEO` like to use 99% notion,but the truth is?Pop guys always think except pop RnB..there are no others things and 99% people listen to them.But the truth is,Chinnese less deal with music,about 50% of is chilren under age,old people,man with family,antisocialist...minus that all will not be 99%

The naplam death guy in puchong dislike black becoz he say black metal is simple.He want death.Black metal is not too bad.For me it just somekind of metal with melodic approach and deal with darkside of humanity.If it exploit well,it content can be very rich.But that is truth that we hard to find black metal with good musical structure.Black metal can represent tragic event,RnB and Ballade cannot.:D

But what happen in North state which invole ajaran sesat....This thing happen becoz that guy regard black metal as somekind of fashion,something beyond music itself.Obviuosly there are amateur.Music is music,but the pop guys always add somemore to it,make it Meaningfull...:lol:

Thanks to yours all to support this forum:D

i'm agreed on you.some of a people in north state that fanatic of black metal consider that they should be evil.actually,they want to be a true black metaller so another metaller can respect them.fuck,why we should left our religion,our philosophy just for this no-longer music?? music for me is an art.....involving ajaran sesat is not a good solution.they just wanna be a "wannabe blackmetaller".fuck again,just shoot they father's head first if they want to be a true black metal!!!
love the music, but don't like to get involve into this genre thingy. to many stupid un-mature war against all this metal thingy about who's the best... fuck, i said that every metal genre are great to each other... "black metal are gay?" that stupid. "death metal are for pussy?" that far for being total idiot... why can't people get along with each other? this genre rules thing is just silly & stupid. it's music, don't make it into some sort of political bullshit thingy... if any of you still don't like other metal genre, than keep it to yourself. no use for shouting out about it since it won't do you any good.

- red_beef
@goregoat: you know, i'm having trouble reading your post... the color dosen't fit with the background... it's just disappear with it... try pick a diffrent color...

- red_beef

Today,I meet a pagan.He say god did not exist.He say Scientist was proof that under the eart is rock and larva,not hell...He say he go church every week,but with no purpose to worship god but make more friend.He say human is great,and will last forever.He did not listen to music metal,but Kelly Chan.

This story tell us that,tobe pagan or not is not matter of metal but Kelly Chan.

Kapitalisme is paganisme and anarkisme. :p