
just got home as well, great night and performance

although I personally didn't like Southampton itself, the road system meant I almost didn't get to the Firehouse. Reminded me of when some of us tried leaving Birmingham after a gig once
although I personally didn't like Southampton itself, the road system meant I almost didn't get to the Firehouse.

Tell me about it. I ended up missing the first entrance to the venue so nipped in the no entry bit rather than driving a million miles around the one way system again and was promptly harrassed by two traffic wardens. And this was after I already got a ticket for staying 10 minutes too long in in a space on the high street!

I had a great night though! I never dreamed I'd have the opportunity to play with the 'Quest, but now it's all over I hope we can one day do it again! :D
Was great fun to do a "hometown" show at an intimate venue in Southampton. We all had a blast and it seemed that everyone else did too.

Given that Checco, Andrea and Alessio were all suffering from various stages of was all the more amazing how well those guys did. Andrea had been ill since rehearsals but he showed his metal credentials by battling on despite it all!
Was great fun to do a "hometown" show at an intimate venue in Southampton. We all had a blast and it seemed that everyone else did too.

Given that Checco, Andrea and Alessio were all suffering from various stages of was all the more amazing how well those guys did. Andrea had been ill since rehearsals but he showed his metal credentials by battling on despite it all!
I must say, I loved Cesco's attire upon arriving at the venue. Wooly hat. Thick wooly scarf. You could only see his eyes!