Everytime i Die

Shred Master
Jul 26, 2006
Southpark is the greatest show made by people. Post sme of your favourite quotes.

"How long has it been since your last burn towelee 20, 30 seconds?"-Super towel

"I wont stop till everyone in southpark has aids"-Jared (subway guy)

"Kenny you must go turn on the backup generator, you must first go through this sewer then run across the forest to the switch, but whatch out for velociraptors here and here, kyle, me, the nurse, stan, and cartman will sit here drinking cocoa while whatching friends, you can see us from this window here" The doctor after Mafesto was shot
South Park somehow manages to be immature even with mature jokes. I've always thought of it as redneck comedy... Dunno why, but it's just shit.