Southpark studios

South Park is the only show that keeps getting better season after season (although the 8th is the best).

As a devoted fan of South Park and having seen almost every episode at least 5 times, the amount I disagree with this can't even be comprehended. In my opinion, after the second half of Season 10, the show has relied on pop culture references and "shock value" (usually in the form of violence) for it's "humor," and has lost almost all of the insight, wit, and genuine charm of the episodes up to the first half of Season 10.

One of the biggest indicators of this IMO can be found in the dramatic shift in Cartman's character - his voice is deeper, and he no longer has the scheming, conniving genius aspect (nor the hysterically pathetic whiny fat kid aspect), evidenced by the genius of "Scott Tenorman Must Die," as well as these gems:

"You're breakin' my balls" riff from Kenny Dies
"No, it's an Iraqi goat, it can't be in America, it'll choke to death on the sweet air of freedom!" from Osama Bin Laden has Farty Pants
And my favorite: Kyle: Jews believe in Heaven! Cartman: Right, but your idea of heaven is getting $5 off your Matza ball soup at Barney's Beanery by lying about a hair in it!" from A Ladder to Heaven

Instead, he's just a vulgar pest, his lines reduced to "Yeah Wendy, dumb bitch!" and "Dude, you don't shoot a guy in the dick!" :Smug: (and he doesn't say the greatest Cartman-ism of all, "AW GOD DAMMIT!!" anymore either)

South Park is dead to me, but at least they had 10.5 amazing seasons (well, more like 10, most of Season 1 is too juvenile and stupid for my tastes)
Ugghh, Imaginationland = one huge pop culture reference, though Overlogging and More Crap I'll admit were *decent*. I hated "With Apologies" though, I didn't feel it addressed the issue at all, and I didn't even watch "About Last Night." I'm glad people are able to enjoy this new stuff, I guess; obviously I'm not trying to stop you guys from liking it, but I can't believe anyone with as intimate a love for the pre-season 10.5 stuff as me (or one of my best friends, who completely agrees with me) can feel this new batch even comes close to the past (and yes, people and things change, but they kept it awesome for a pretty fucking long time before noticeably slipping IMO). I've said my bit, I'm glad you guys dig this new stuff, and all I can suggest is watch anything from seasons 3-10, cuz that's up there with MST3K as some of the most brilliant comedy I've ever seen!
As a devoted fan of South Park and having seen almost every episode at least 5 times, the amount I disagree with this can't even be comprehended. In my opinion, after the second half of Season 10, the show has relied on pop culture references and "shock value" (usually in the form of violence) for it's "humor," and has lost almost all of the insight, wit, and genuine charm of the episodes up to the first half of Season 10.

One of the biggest indicators of this IMO can be found in the dramatic shift in Cartman's character - his voice is deeper, and he no longer has the scheming, conniving genius aspect (nor the hysterically pathetic whiny fat kid aspect), evidenced by the genius of "Scott Tenorman Must Die," as well as these gems:

"You're breakin' my balls" riff from Kenny Dies
"No, it's an Iraqi goat, it can't be in America, it'll choke to death on the sweet air of freedom!" from Osama Bin Laden has Farty Pants
And my favorite: Kyle: Jews believe in Heaven! Cartman: Right, but your idea of heaven is getting $5 off your Matza ball soup at Barney's Beanery by lying about a hair in it!" from A Ladder to Heaven

Instead, he's just a vulgar pest, his lines reduced to "Yeah Wendy, dumb bitch!" and "Dude, you don't shoot a guy in the dick!" :Smug: (and he doesn't say the greatest Cartman-ism of all, "AW GOD DAMMIT!!" anymore either)

I would very much agree with this. I felt that from season 10 (altough I really like most of 11) that they did exactly what you said, rely on making shows on current topics that aren't very funny on their own. It's a shame, and though the new one (the ring) was alright, it just isn't nearly the same.

And a big up on Cartmans personality shift, he has def lost most of what made him so ingenious in the first place.
As a devoted fan of South Park and having seen almost every episode at least 5 times, the amount I disagree with this can't even be comprehended. In my opinion, after the second half of Season 10, the show has relied on pop culture references and "shock value" (usually in the form of violence) for it's "humor," and has lost almost all of the insight, wit, and genuine charm of the episodes up to the first half of Season 10.
+1 on that.
There's still an occasional gem now and then but it's a pity these are exceptions.
Gonna have to agree with narcossintense, it has only gotten better and better. So what if they reference pop culture now Marcus? The show is funnier than it's ever been! They turn any social, political, or commonplace issue into the funniest thing ever. I still love it.

Gonna have to agree with narcossintense, it has only gotten better and better. So what if they reference pop culture now Marcus? The show is funnier than it's ever been! They turn any social, political, or commonplace issue into the funniest thing ever. I still love it.


Gonna have to agree with narcossintense, it has only gotten better and better. So what if they reference pop culture now Marcus? The show is funnier than it's ever been! They turn any social, political, or commonplace issue into the funniest thing ever. I still love it.


Meh, if it were any other show, maybe I could laugh, but because I know what South Park used to be for so long, all I can have is disdain for it. Whatever, like I said, I'm glad you guys enjoy it, but don't you DARE say it's better than the old stuff! :mad: ;)
Biggie smalls....biggie smalls...biggie smalls.

Awww yeah, suck my jagon...haha.

I wouldn't say it's better Marcus, but would say it has gotten better over time. :p

@Metaltastic: blah blah blah.. sounds like you just got bored with it. i still enjoy it just as much and i'm actually HAPPY that they quit doing the SAME THINGS you are bitching about them stopping. i loved those things for years, but everything gets old and tired sooner or later, and Trey and Matt seem to understand this concept.. they need to change things up for a while, so that if they do come back to those old stand-bys they will be welcome... so as far as i'm concerned the changes, at least for now, are a breath of fresh air for me. Heh, you sound like an old man that's mad that comedy shows don't do the pie-in-the-face gag anymore.... :lol:

and the pop culture references are KILLER because they are irreverant regarding it's various icons and trends and tear down the facades surrounding most of it... MAJOR props to the SP team for this. Case and Point the Jonas Bros. episode, where they totally expose the fact that by maintaining the facade of "chastity" and "purity", Disney is actually making the focus even MORE about sex than if they didn't bother with the charade at all.... guaranteeing the devotion of their hyper-hormonal pre-teen audience.
SP is one my favourite shows, and I've watched every episode like 3 times. I love everything they have done with the show, some episodes have been worse than others sure, but the show has stayed consistently enjoyable throughout IMO. Most of the episodes usually have this underlining innuendo ("the terrorists are attacking our IMAGINATION??"), which is one of the reasons I enjoy the show so much. I hope they never take that away from it.
I still love the show, just season twelve felt quite a bit lacklustre and uninspired to me.

Since season 4 the show had such an awesome run with only few eps that just didn't cut it (maybe 2 per season) and those usually involved Terrance and Phillip or Towelie. Fuck Towelie.

Haven't seen "The Ring" yet due to travelling the last days, will do that - tonight.
i must agree that south park is still one of the best shows. i too have seen every episode, majority of them 2 or 3 times. after over 10 years, i still find their shows hilarious. yes they have an off episode here and there, and everyone will disagree on which those are. but the number of shows that make me laugh my ass off till i cry far outnumber the "so-so" ones. and even those are better than most shit on tv today.