SPAM: WTT My EMG 81-7 FOR 707?


Mar 16, 2004
The title says it all. I have a Stef Carpenter 7 string and the neck pickup is in the way no matter how low I set it. I prefer the 707 anyway. Neither of the 81-7's have been played and everything is in working order.

I'm also looking to trade my 5150 combo for a 5150 head in the NY/NJ/CT/PA area.

US only please.
NOOOOOO, DON'T DO IT TODD!!! Seriously, I've had an 85 (the 707's 6-string doppleganger) in the bridge of my Ibanez for about a month now, and I can't stand it - mud-city, and I'd imagine it'd only be worse on a 7-string! Then again, the 81 has an undeniably sterile quality, though I'd rather have sterility than mud - however, I'm gonna be trying out Blackouts to see if they're any better, maybe you'd consider them? Just putting it out there :)
Hey Marcus, I have the 707 in my mahogany 7 string and I thought it would sound like ass but it roars. Besides, I have 2 81-7's so if I hate it, no loss. I've recorded an album and a split cd with the mahogany baritone 7 and a maple Stef Carpenter with the 81-7 and they sound great together, but we're guitar players and gear whores so... the next purchase will always be THE one!!!

I'd do a trade for a Blackout but the chances of me finding a taker a probably pretty slim.

I'm still loving the Engl cab.
Agreed, the 707s and mahogany are pure magic. My Hellraiser has this undeniable Loomis-esque thickness to it that I adore. Good luck with your trade. I'm interested in checking out the Blackouts some also, though the EMGs are doing their job just fine.
And, my friend has a 707 in his Washburn he's been dying to try an 81-7 himself, so there's two ;)

NOOOOOO, DON'T DO IT TODD!!! Seriously, I've had an 85 (the 707's 6-string doppleganger) in the bridge of my Ibanez for about a month now, and I can't stand it - mud-city, and I'd imagine it'd only be worse on a 7-string! Then again, the 81 has an undeniably sterile quality, though I'd rather have sterility than mud - however, I'm gonna be trying out Blackouts to see if they're any better, maybe you'd consider them? Just putting it out there :)

there is a lot of people that would disagree with you on this marcus.....

have you tried playing around with the height of the pickup? it made a huge difference to the sound of mine.
Hey 006, sounds like a good deal. I'll trade you my 81-7 for the 707. Shoot me an email: . I bought a cab off of Marcus/Metaltastic so he can probably vouch for me.

I can understand where Marcus is coming from on the low end based on the soundclips he's posted and the guitar tones he loves. He seems to prefer a tight and focused midrange with a very controlled bottom end (but you still like The Apostasy!!!) and I prefer a ground shaking low mid/bottom end that suits my bands sound. We play more dissonant and guttural stuff as opposed to melodic In Flames/Soilwork kind of stuff. I do love that sound but it's not for me.
Yeah, I know a lot of people dig the 85 Ed, so I guess it comes down to the sound of my guitar, my particular amp/cab choice, and of course taste :) But it's really not doin' it for me! (I messed around with pup height a bit, but not too much; do you prefer it higher or lower?)

And yeah, Todd's an A+ dude, Mike! :) Glad you're still digging the Engl man!