Spawn/Wrath/Other comic book guys


Apr 13, 2001
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I'm reading Neil Gaiman's "American Gods" at the moment, and I think I'm turning into a big fan. As I'm sure you know, he did the Sandman collection of "graphic novels" and I'm sure I've heard people talking about it here, but I didn't take much notice 'cause they're just comic books, which are for kiddies.

So now I'm gonna start looking for them. My question is this. How do they work? Is each one a story in itself, or if I find one of the ones in the middle am I going to get confuzzeled? I mean, I read somewhere that there's 72 or so "episodes", and when the story arc finished, DC shut down production on their most popular character, which sounds a bit silly, but there you go.

Any suggestions?
Just buy them in order, you dont HAVE to, as they are sort of self contained, but its probably easiest to do so.

I think DC and Neil both agreed to stop doing them, kind of a quite before we turn crap thing.

Sandman is some of the best writing ever :D

But dont buy that Phloggy, buy Arkham Asylum first, its nothing to do with Neil Gaimen, but he wishes he could be as good as that book :D
Originally posted by phlogiston
As I'm sure you know, he did the Sandman collection of "graphic novels"

I've read a collection of short stories based on the Sandman collection - my word they were crap. :(
Graphic novels is a word adults use when they are too afraid to admit they read comics :D
No. It was a collection of stories by different authors, inspired by Neil Gaiman's Sandman comics.
Different authors... Hmmmmm... Thats like someone doing an album of Iron Maiden covers, never as good as the originals :D
I read the Sandman comics years ago, quite good, but a bit taxing now and then. Would have been much better if he could fly and had a utility belt and could shoot webs out of his wrists.

Seriously, though, very good stuff. Must look into reading it again one day.

Cerebus, or whatever it is - the one about the aardvark - is cool as well!
They are expensive, thats why im only up to 8, I only buy them when I dont get many other comics that week, which isnt often.
I paid about $400 for the whole set (not counting the Dream Hunters 10th anniversary hardcover), because I bought them all over the course of a year and Tony at Adelaide Comics Centre did me a deal :).

The running order is:

BOOK 1: Preludes and Nocturnes
BOOK 2: The Doll's House
BOOK 3: Dream Country (this one's a collection of short single- issue stories)
BOOK 4: Season of Mists
BOOK 5: A Game of You
BOOK 6: Fables and Reflections (same deal as with Dream Country. This one has my favourite story "The Song of Orpheus")
BOOK 7: Brief Lives
BOOK 8: World's End
BOOK 9: The Kindly Ones
BOOK 10: The Wake

Dream Hunters doesn't really fit the chronology, nor does the soon-to-be-released anthology Endless Nights, but both are worth getting. The two Death miniseries are very good as well :).

You may also want to check out Hy Bender's "Sandman Companion" (a book length interview where Gaiman explains the whole series and its various characters and story arcs)

Exposure to all this will develop your taste for other "mature" comics such as House of Secrets, Hellblazer, Watchmen, V for Vendetta, From Hell, Swamp Thing and Sin City. Don't say I didn't warn you!

If you'd prefer a less daunting and expensive introduction, try some of Neil's other books, particularly Neverwhere (adapted from the Beeb TV series which shows up on Foxtel every so often), Smoke and Mirrors (an anthology of stories, poetry etc) and Good Omens (co-written with Terry Pratchett).

Be sure to visit or for lots more info that I couldn't fit into one post- and enjoy yourself!

I can't believe it took me so long to get to this thread :rolleyes:.

Found the site, getting Smoke and Mirrors next, seen Good Omens around and I love Pratchett as well, so it's also high on the list, and $400 on 10 comic books is still too much.

You know, you'd pay, like, $200 for them in the UK. Or at least it feels like it

No I wouldn't.
I love Gaiman, American Gods is GREAT! I'm a huge Spawn fan too !

I'm a comic book artist, in fact I am making some metal related ones, check it out at
