SPDIF - correct me if I'm wrong


Apr 5, 2013
London, England
I have a Presonus VSL22 audio interface for recording but it has no SPDIF.
Is it a good idea to buy some separate USB --> SPDIF card to do reamping with my Kemper? I know that the best idea would be go for interface with SPDIF but I like my Presonus. What do you think? Will it work?
In theory this should work fine.

- Odds are you can only have one interface plugged in at a time, since ASIO is weird like that. ASIO4ALL might get you around that, but I'm not sure.

- Are there any USB-->SPDIF interfaces that do In and Out? All the ones I can find are stereo, but one direction. You might be better off just getting something small like a Quad Capture.