Speakers (again)


Lord Ejaculation
Jun 25, 2006
Well, here's my "problem"

I currently have a Marshall 2X12" cabinet with Eminence Swamp Thang speakers, and I hate 'em!

I bought them because they were supposed to have a very good low-end response, but that's not the point at all. They don't really have a low-end at all. All midrange with a harsh treble. Maybe the cab itself is not very suitable for these speakers...

They sound thin, lifeless and harsh with a very dominating mid-range. No matter what I do with the amp's EQ, it sounds the same with these speakers.

No low-end oomph when palm muting :cry:

Today, I replaced the Swap Thang's with the original Marshall speakers (Gold Back) and they sound A LOT better, but they are missing the brightness even with the mic right at the center. They are smooth and they have that oomph when palm muting which I love, but the just lack the brightness.

So, should I just give up, and finally get me some V30's?

I listened to the raw track's you guys made and the clips with V30's sounded awesome!(the Carcass clip was absolutely crushing! Care to share the settings if you are reading this;)

I am pretty much looking for speakers that are bright yet smooth, with a good low end that kicks your teeth in when palm muting.

I use a Peavey 6505 and a Mesa Single Rectifier.
Do you have any clips?

Maybe I should check Eminence's web page for some info about them :)

The price was the reason I bought the Swamp Thang's in the first place, but I am very dissapointed with 'em.

Thanks for the input :kickass: