speaking of moving

Josh Seipp

Nov 19, 2003
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I'm almost definitely moving to Baltimore when my lease is up (July 1). I'll probably move a little bit before then.

Some guy I know is looking to sublet his apartment for June & July down there, it would be $400 total. I could also stay at my parents house while looking for more permanant housing, but I would be sharing a room with my brother most likely (he might be in Mexico). Errr yeah.

Telling my band is going to be hard. Telling my boss is going to be hard but for different reasons. This doesn't exactly seem to be the best time to be quitting a secure job, leaving doctors nd health insurance behind, but hey. What can you do? I need a change.
oh, man!

it'll suck to not have you in boston, but if you need the change...do you have any job leads or anything? i mean, it could seriously, seriously suck...

not to be negative. i think maybe you've rolled the dice on a potentially awesome development!
xfer said:
oh, man!

it'll suck to not have you in boston, but if you need the change...do you have any job leads or anything? i mean, it could seriously, seriously suck...

not to be negative. i think maybe you've rolled the dice on a potentially awesome development!

wait you mean moving could be potentially awesome?
yeah, i mean, when you worry about risk and stuff, i think there's also at LEAST an equal chance (and probably much more than equal if you "feel" it's the right thing to do) that things will turn out super-awesome because of the "change".
yeah josh i fully support this decision if you are finding that boston is driving you crazy or whatever. there are risks and it could suck but i mean just the chance of the change bringing about awesome things is worth it. :)
Best of luck Josh. If you ever come up again, I'll get the fake Azal to bring his mini-van by for your bags.